
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Parenting issue: Three juveniles caused problems at Wal-Mart, “throwing items and harassing employees,” Wednesday. The miscreants were riding bicycles and one of them was wearing a red hooded sweatshirt, employees said.

Big foot: A Maryland Avenue resident told police a family member kicked her basement door in and started a verbal confrontation after she threw her out of her residence, Wednesday. She said her sister had stayed with her for a few weeks but she wanted her to leave and had “put her belongings on the front porch.” The sister was gone before police arrived. Early Thursday morning, the same homeowner reported a man was “beating on her front door and she did not want to answer.”

Charged: A Wintersville man ended up in custody after police investigating a disturbance on University Boulevard discovered a warrant had been issued for his arrest, Wednesday. Police said Frank C. Francis, 41, 105 Sabina Drive, was served with a bench warrant out of Toronto county court. Employees at a Franciscan Square business reported Francis had walked in with scratches on his arm and told them “don’t let her in” and when they’d locked the door a female companion began pounding on it. She said the male drove her to the location, exited the vehicle and directed a vulgarity at her, then walked inside the business, taking her key fob with her. Police said Francis told them they’d been arguing and claimed she scratched his arms. Employees told police the pair had caused problems previously and they don’t want him to return.

Oil and water: A city resident said his ex-wife showed up at his house unexpectedly and the two of them were arguing, Wednesday. She left before police arrived.

Bad break: A woman told police her ex was “pounding on her door and ripped out her peep hole,” Wednesday. He was still at the location and denied the allegations, telling police he wanted to get his belongings. She’d piled his things in the hallway but the man said she’d broken his laptop and damaged his cell phone, but she denied it.

Hit-skip: A city resident is facing charges after she allegedly struck a parked car and fled the scene, Wednesday. Police said Faustine Shitemi, 28, 933 Broadway Blvd., was cited for hit-skip and no operator’s license. The father of the vehicle’s owner and a neighbor told police they’d followed the suspect vehicle for several blocks. Police report Shitemi told them her steering malfunctioned, causing her to hit the parked car. They said her vehicle had functional damage to the passenger front fender and was missing a turn signal, while the rear quarter panel and tire on the parked car were damaged.

Brooke County Sheriff

Charged: Chad M. Lauri, 32, 230 Manor Drive, Wellsburg, driving under the influence and reckless driving, Monday.

Charged: Trent E. Travis, 27, 137 Hudson Ave., Weirton, fleeing on foot, Monday.

Charged: Clinton F. Bond, 37, 4209 Cross Creek Road, Wellsburg, domestic battery and obstructing, Monday.

Charged: Henry W. Cunningham, 56, 327 Bethany Pike, Wellsburg, domestic assault, Tuesday.

Charged: Rafael R. Perales, no age given, Wheeling, domestic battery, Wednesday.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Judgment call: A woman who let her ex ring in the New Year with her and her son said she regretted it, Tuesday. She said the ex and her child began wrestling and when the child accidentally bloodied the older man’s lip, her ex “started yelling at her and her child.” She said when she told him to leave he pushed her, leaving marks on her shoulder.

Screamers: A Richmond couple admitted arguing over relationship issues, Wednesday. The woman said they’d “started screaming at one another…(and) started getting in each other’s face, but no one physically assaulted anyone.” She told deputies a friend accidentally poked her in the eye when he tried to separate them. The male’s account was very similar, deputies said, though he said she’d scratched him on the neck and then “continued to scream at him” until they arrived.

Bank fraud: A Bloomingdale man said someone is stealing money from his bank account, Monday. He said his bank alerted him that someone was trying to move $5,000 from his account into one at another bank. When he checked his account, he discovered three purchases from Sam’s Club totaling just over $1,722 that he hadn’t authorized.

Cited: Sophie Lynn Reese, 124 Higler Ave., Wintersville, driving under suspension and operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Thursday.

Toronto Police

Charged: Gary L. Anthony, 64, 205 ½ Belle Ave., failure to yield; Brianna Mohammed, 35, 1222 North Fifth St., failure to appear; David P. Straka, 37, 707 Daniels St., driving while suspended and leaving the scene of an accident; Christopher R. Waugh, 36, 3224 Orchard St., Weirton, improper backing and leaving the scene of an accident; and Kevin D. Bradley, 57, 912 Loretta Ave., menacing by stalking.


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