Police reports
Brooke County Sheriff
Charged: Shanna M. Cork, 34, 461 S. Fifth St., Steubenville, possession of a controlled substance, Thursday.
Wellsburg Police
Charged: Patsy Marchetti, 66, 1048 Virginia Ave., Follansbee, domestic battery, Thursday.
Steubenville Police
Unsettling: A caller in the 1300 block of Oregon Avenue reported a male walking on the sidewalk was “making threats to kill his neighbors,” Friday. Police checked the area and didn’t find him, then went to his home and attempted to speak with the man without success.
Sweet tooth: A city resident who allegedly tried to leave Dollar General with “numerous packages” of chocolate and Reese cups valued at $60 that he hadn’t paid for ended up in custody, Thursday. Police said Gene A. Smith, 57, who has no fixed address, was charged with petty theft. He also was served with three outstanding warrants, police said. His bond was set at $10,000.
Persistent: A North Seventh Street resident said a male who lives in his building confronted him about a female, Thursday. He said the man “aggressively” banged on his door but that he didn’t know why he wanted to speak with him.
Way out: A woman told police a male wouldn’t let his girlfriend leave a Ridge Avenue apartment, Thursday. Police spoke with the daughter, who confirmed she wanted to leave the residence and stay with family. They stood by while she gathered her things and left the property.
Facing charges: A woman who allegedly misidentified herself to police ended up in custody after they discovered she was wanted on a Municipal Court warrant for misdemeanor theft, Thursday. A caller had reported the woman “became argumentative” and refused to leave the JFK Apartment property when asked, and police reported that when they initially talked to her she gave them a fictitious name and birthdate. Police charged Samantha J. Cremeans, 29, 832 South St., Steubenville, with falsification and possession of drug paraphernalia in addition to serving her with a warrant for misdemeanor theft. Bond was set at $25,000, police said.
Noise makers: A caller reported juveniles in the 1300 block of Maryland Avenue were banging on garbage containers, Friday. Police checked the area but didn’t find them.
Broken: A window in a detached garage in the 200 block of Hollywood Boulevard was shattered, Friday. The owner said nothing appeared to be missing.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Afraid: A female caller said her boyfriend was throwing things around the residence and was being aggressive, then said everything was OK, Thursday. Her boyfriend said they’d argued hours earlier and “he didn’t know why she’d call now.” She said he was upset about losing his keys and began throwing things, but none of it hit her and nothing physical had taken place, but she was afraid to be there.
Mingo Junction Police
Name calling: Two Center Avenue residents claimed they’ve been harassed for multiple weeks by the same group of people, Dec. 20. One of the residents claimed that two people have been driving by his residence and calling him a pedophile, as well as spreading rumors about him and his family. Further, the resident claimed five others have been spreading the rumors and have been tampering with his property in Steubenville.
Grinch: A Western Avenue couple told police their roommate’s packages were delivered, but she was unable to locate them. They showed police security camera footage, showing what appeared to be a male in dark clothing and a baseball hat, though no gloves, approach with a bicycle. He supposedly laid the bicycle next to a telephone pole and stood outside the fence, before opening the gate and entering the property. He then allegedly reached around the packages and walked out the front gate with them, leaving the area with them and his bike. The two packages were valued at $198.20 and $280.32.
Left of center: Bridget Dyon Chase, 51, 3334 county Road 39, Bloomingdale, overtaking/passing left of center, Dec. 27. Reports claim Chase’s vehicle struck a Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority bus while traveling in the 600 block of McLister Avenue.
Wrong way: Nicholas Angel Rodriguez III, 35, 208 S. Walnut St., Richmond, one-way violation, Wednesday. Police cited Rodriguez after allegedly observing his vehicle traveling the wrong way on Logan Avenue.
Domestic: David Wayne Fram II, 55, 206 Kirtdoll Way, felonious assault, domestic violence, Thursday. Fram allegedly stabbed his longtime girlfriend with a pocketknife during an altercation Sunday night.