
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Pariah: Residents reported an assault by a family member in the 500 block of Maxwell Avenue, Monday. They said they were exiting a store when they saw the family member in a van in the parking lot and went over to speak with him “in regard to recent incidents involving (another) family member’s house.” As they were speaking, they allege he “opened the passenger side door and repeatedly kicked the victim in the chest and face.” The complainants said they’d like to file charges.

Mercurial: A Pennsylvania Avenue resident wanted to discuss “ongoing issues he has been experiencing” with a female, but police said when they arrived, he “would not answer the door or come outside,” Tuesday.

Code issues: Notice of violation was sent to the owner/occupant of a property at 158 Wildon Ave., numerous cardboard boxes and junk piled on front porch.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Alcohol talking: A Yorkville resident said a male “just went nuts and attacked him,” and the man was still in his residence and in a combative state, Monday. Deputies said the homeowner appeared to be heavily intoxicated and told them he’d allowed a friend who was homeless but planned to sign the lease to his own apartment to stay there for the night, but they’d been drinking and his guest went to bed. Later he went in to wake him and he said the man assaulted him by “punch(ing) him in the face 40 times.” Deputies said he had some facial injuries and his nose was bleeding slightly. His friend also appeared intoxicated and said the homeowner came in “and began kicking him for no reason.” Deputies gave him a ride to Steubenville to get the two of them separated. Neither wanted to pursue charges.

Booked: Cody Dean McConnell, 31, 610 township Road 381, Steubenville, pending charges of disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer, Sunday.


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