Police reports
Steubenville Police
Time to run: A caller reported a male was holding another man at gunpoint in a residence in the 100 block of Rosslyn Boulevard, Sunday. En route to the property police were told the male had put the gun away and the other male was “beginning to leave.” The homeowner said they’d been drinking and the other man “accused him of trying to sleep with (a female)” and grabbed him by the throat, and because he feared for his life he produced a handgun. He told police he’d asked the guest to leave several times and he wouldn’t. The other man denied grabbing his host by the throat but didn’t want to pursue charges, and he and the female left the residence.
Anger issue: A woman was causing problems at a property in the 400 block of Lawson Avenue and she wanted her removed, Saturday. The caller told police the woman had broken a TV. The woman who broke the TV said she “was angry because several individuals in the house were arguing with her” and that she “meant to hit the dresser but instead punched the TV and broke it,” and afterward her boyfriend “punched her in the head, leaving a bump.” She claimed they’d been living there for more than a month but others in the residence said it was about a week. Police told her that since she couldn’t prove she’d established residency, she would have to leave.
Light fingers: A woman in the 500 block of South Sixth Street said she thinks a man who spent the night at her place took $10 from her purse, Saturday. She said she didn’t see him do it but no one in her family would root through her purse and the overnight guest was the only other individual in her home.
Staking claim: A caller complained that a woman was refusing to leave a property in the 400 block of North Fifth Street, Saturday. Police said when they arrived, they found the woman in a downstairs restroom. They waited while she gathered her belongings and escorted her off the property and warned her not to return.
Stranger danger: A man doing a custody exchange said his ex’s current boyfriend “approached him with a knife and proceeded to come after him,” Friday. He said the man started to fall just before he got to him and he punched him in the face, causing him to lose consciousness briefly. He said his ex’s male friend threatened a family member as well.
Magnetic attraction: A resident in the 1500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue claimed a female “was causing a disturbance at his residence and … refusing to leave,” Friday. When police arrived, the woman said she was leaving “and despite claiming (he) shoved her she did not wish to pursue charges.: Police attempted to speak with the male, but he would not answer the door.
Vigilante justice: Police blamed a disturbance in the 400 block of Market Street on a parking issue, Friday. A resident said a box truck was parked in the South Commercial alleyway, but the truck driver said he had parked there to unload a delivery, and he couldn’t move anyway because the other man “parked his vehicle in front of his truck, blocking him in the roadway.”
Spiteful: The owner of a property in the 2000 block of Oregon Avenue reported former tenants he’d evicted had stolen copper pipes and broke several windows and a door, Friday. Police said before the left they cut the copper pipe from the walls and ceiling, “leaving behind only small pieces of pipe which would not be of any value or worth taking.”
Booked: James D. Mayo, 52, 720 N. Seventh St., Apt. B7, Steubenville, felonious assault, Friday.
Summons issued: Tyler M. Ruckman, 30, 8866 county Road 10, Adena, failure to appear, Friday.
Code issue: Notice of violation was sent to the owner/occupant of a property at 655 Broadway Blvd., old carpet and litter on sidewalk.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Tracked: Home Depot reported someone rented a portable wheel-behind boom and didn’t bring it back, Thursday. Employees said a Pennsylvania man had rented the lift, but they’d pinged the GPS and said it was in the 200 block of Railroad Street, Dillonvale.
Stolen: A woman reported $20,000 missing from a key-locked safe in her mother’s home, Tuesday. The caller said they hadn’t opened the safe for a year and were unaware it had been stolen. She said about $5,000 was left in the safe.
Flagged: A Bloomingdale woman said her flag was stolen, Thursday. She said a motorist had yelled a derogatory term at her handyman as he passed by last week and thinks it could have been the same person.
Dog attacked: A Tiltonsville woman reported her miniature Pinscher was attacked by a neighbor’s dog in her backyard, Tuesday. Deputies said the woman also was covered in blood. She said her dog was tied in her yard when the neighbor let her dog out and it attacked, grabbing her pup by the neck and whipping it around.
Spooked: A Dillonvale resident said a neighbor told her “one or two people were stalking her house,” Wednesday. Deputies didn’t find anything but a black dog on her property.
Served: Steven T. Roberts, 36, 1106 N. Sixth St., Steubenville, failure to appear, Tuesday.
Booked: Andy Gingerich, 52, Morristown, OVI, Tuesday; Cody Dean McConnell, 31, 610 township Road 381, Steubenville, disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer, Sunday.