Police reports
Steubenville Police
Wardrobe malfunction: Employees at Speedway showed police video of a woman concealing nearly $30 in merchandise in her pants pockets, then having to pick the items up when they spilled out onto the floor in front of the coffee counter, Sunday. Police said she “picked the items up off the floor and placed them back into either her front pants pockets or waistband.”
Menacing preteen: A Crabbe Boulevard mother wanted her 11-year-old daughter out of her house, Sunday. She told police the girl “threw an iron at her, which did not hit her … then struck her with her fists” and said she was “fearful of her daughter if (she) remained in the house.”
Couldn’t get up: An elderly resident was transported to the hospital after concerned family members reported she hadn’t answered her phone and sounded very weak when last they spoke, Sunday. Police said when they knocked on the 92-year-old woman’s door they heard “what sounded like an elderly woman yelling out” but they couldn’t understand what she was saying, then heard someone pounding on the floor. Steubenville firefighters forced entry into the home and found the woman on the floor. Police said she told them she’d been stuck on the floor for nearly two days.
Contradictory: A caller in the 100 block of North Fourth Street claimed he’d been assaulted, Sunday. He said he has a protection order against his next-door neighbor and when he exited his apartment “noted a group of people standing directly in front of his door.” He said he told the individuals “to get away from his door and upon doing so, one of the (men) struck him in the face.” Police said he didn’t appear to have any facial injuries. The neighbor told police she was “only saying goodbye to a friend of hers in the hallway, while her male companion claimed he’d been “bum-rushed” by the caller, insisting punched the caller in self-defense after the caller shoved him into the wall. He had no visible injuries, either, police said. They said the protection order is valid but, since the two parties live within 15 feet of each other, it could not be enforced.
Troubled ex: A caller told police she’s been having trouble with her ex with whom she shares a child “messaging her and showing up to her residence uninvited,” Sunday. She said he learned she had a friend at her residence “and began sending her messages about harming her friend.” She told police she heard his truck outside her house and “observed him speed off” before she received a message telling her she might have to drive her friend to work. She said when she and her friend went outside, they discovered his tires had been slashed. She said her tires had been slashed recently as well.
Animal control: A man walking his dog in the 4000 block of Sunset Boulevard said they were attacked by three dogs, Sunday. The caller told police he’s had trouble with the owners of the three dogs, both men, in the past, and advised they drive a light green SUV. They left before police arrived.
Quiet times: Callers reported disturbances in the 800 block of North Seventh Street and the 400 block of South fifth Street, Sunday. Police who checked both locations said they were “clear and quiet.”
Served: Brittany N. Brown,32, 404 Main St. Follansbee, failure to appear, Monday.
Cited: Alex R. Minger, 34, 2604 Whitehaven Blvd., Steubenville, expired registration.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Drugs talking: Callers reported a man in Dillonvale “banging on doors, talking nonsense,” Sunday. Deputies said when they located him, he was “flailing on the floor, unable to stay still” and said he told them he’d used meth. They administered Narcan but said it had no effect so he was transported to the hospital.
Served: A woman causing problems at a Mingo Junction residence ended up in custody after deputies discovered she had two outstanding warrants, Monday. Brittany N. Brown,32, 404 Main St. Follansbee, was served with warrants out of Wintersville county court and Steubenville Municipal Court.
Roughhousing: An Empire resident reported being assaulted by another man inside his home, Friday. He said the visitor “put him in a headlock before leaving the premises.” He said they had been drinking.
Bad reaction: Family members said a male spun out of control after an argument with his wife and “began throwing things,” Friday. The male had left before deputies arrived.
West Virginia State Police
Charged: Caden L. Stevey, 20, 1635 Hukill Run, Wellsburg, driving under the influence, reckless driving, speeding, providing false information to a trooper and obstructing, Sunday.