
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Family ties: A man reported a disturbance in the 400 block of South Fifth Street involving his cousin, whom he’s dating, and her mother, Thursday. He told police he and his girlfriend got in an argument and when she “grabbed his hoodie and began choking him,” he spun around on her and her mother “slapped him in the face and accused him of trying to hit her daughter.” He said he did not try to hit her and was actually trying to get away from her but the argument continued with her mother also in the fray. He admitted breaking her mother’s phone over his knee and while it’s her phone, he pays for it. He also said when her mother told him to leave he did and he has no plans to go back.

Out of control:A man wearing short pink shorts and a white tank top threatened a store manager with bodily harm, Thursday. The manager said the man was allowed to use the store phone at the service desk but started “screaming on the phone to whomever (he was talking to) and shouting excessive profanities” and was disrupting the working and shopping environment, so he told him to “calm down and (stop) shouting obscenities and causing a scene.” He said he was trying to reach his grandmother, so the manager re-dialed for him and asked him to calm down, but when he gave the phone back to the man he “immediately began screaming and cursing out whomever answered” so he told the man “he was through and to leave the store” but the male became belligerent and “began shouting at him (that) he was going to attack him. When he advised employees to call police the male fled the property on a city bus. The manager who was threatened wants to pursue criminal charges.

Greeting party: Employees at Wal-Mart said as two male shoppers left one of them shoved a greeter, Thursday. One of the men was standing by the door checking receipts when the greeter said his friend “shouted that he needed to move” and shoved him out of the way, then the two of them left the store together “laughing about the incident.”

Move it or lose it: A woman who parked a trailer illegally on a city street became argumentative when police told her she needed to move it, Thursday. Police said the woman told them “the health department inspected the trailer and (said) she was allowed to park there, as per her paperwork from them” but they told her the health department does not enforce criminal, traffic or parking violations in the city and the trailer had to be moved.

Doesn’t belong: A man tried to convince police he had the owner’s permission to be in an abandoned residence in the 600 block of North Fifth Street, Friday. Police said Damion Irizarry, 49, no fixed address, was unable to provide the name of the owner and when they contacted the owner, she made it clear “no one has permission to be in the building.” Irizarry was charged with criminal trespassing.

College crowd: Police broke up a party in the 1600 block of Ridge Avenue after neighbors complained of “a large group of persons being loud, underage drinking, smoking and fighting,” Monday. When they arrived at the location police said they found several college-age individuals loitering on the sidewalk in front of the residence and several more in the front yard and on the porch, with more arriving, and said it was obviously a college house party. The resident was advised of the complaint and instructed to shut the party down and send everybody home, which he did.

Troubled: A woman needed to be removed from a downtown location, Saturday. Police said while they were talking with her the woman dropped a small glass container of a style “commonly used for drugs.” She told police to check it and they found a crystal-like substance inside as well as a yellow sticky substance.

Identity theft: A city resident who’s been out of work since 2019 said he was recently notified by SNAP that he’s losing his benefits because he was employed at an HVAC company in Florida, Thursday. He said he’s been having issues with identity theft and was advised by Legal Aid to file a police report. Police filed the report and provided him with information about identity theft and how to report fraudulent activity for Social Security numbers.

Not budging: A city resident told police he couldn’t get his ex out of his car, Thursday. He said he wanted to leave a property in the 900 block of Sixth Avenue but she refused to get out. Once they confirmed the car belonged to him police said they convinced his ex to leave.

Troubled: Two juveniles were knocking on a door wanting a third juvenile to come out of his house to fight, Thursday. Police spoke with all three kids. The two who wanted to fight were advised if they return to the other kids’ house they’ll be charged with trespassing, then police took them home and advised their parents of the incident.

Hit-skip: A driver backed a white sedan into the west side of a building in the 1800 block of Sunset Boulevard then fled the scene, Thursday. The building suffered minimal damage, police said, though images of the sedan leaving the parking lot show damage to the passenger side bumper and fender.

Weathered: A man walking from the vicinity of Kroger in Wintersville back to Steubenville called police when he couldn’t feel his hands, feet or legs, Thursday. Police said he was “not dressed property for the frigid temperatures.”

No parties: A Brady Avenue resident hosting a birthday party for his friend was told they’d need to lower the noise level, Thursday. A caller had complained the partygoers were too loud, police said.

Theft: A Toronto man said his work laptop was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked in the Rural King lot, Friday. He said the laptop has been missing since Christmas Eve.

Financial fraud: A city resident told police a woman he knows has been stealing his mail and the funds have been drained from his EBT account, Saturday. He said his EBT card was snagged first, then he discovered the money had been drained from his account. When he looked into it he discovered multiple charges had been made at businesses throughout the city.

Stocking necessities: A man in the midtown Speedway stuffed three cans of beer and some ice cream in his jacket, Sunday. Police said he left the business without paying.

Booked: Daniel T. Roberts, 46, Steubenville, probation violation, Thursday.

Cited: Randall Fazio, 55, 1105 Park St., Steubenville, no operator’s license; Deidre Thomas, 34, 711 Smith Ave, Steubenville, red light violation; Briana Villareal, 39, 315 Hill Avenue, failure to control Saturday after she told police her car slide into a vehicle parked in front of 908 Market St.


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