
Four Seasons Senior Club to rotate meetings

WEIRTON — The Four Seasons Senior Club held its monthly meeting Oct. 16 at Undo’s restaurant in Weirton. President Gene Viola called the meeting to order, after which Tony LaRosa gave the opening prayer. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang, “God Bless America.”

Viola introduced his guest, Jack Billiam, and Cecelia Findley’s guest, Bonnie Smith. Following dinner, members played games of bingo. Winners included Janet Orler, Kim Stempien, Carol Wisnieski and Barbara Cerra.

Winners of door prizes included: Pauline Tortis, 50/50 drawing; LaRosa, sign-in book; and Ruth Masters, Undo’s gift certificates.

There were no winners in the dinner drawing, officials noted.

Door prizes were awarded to Stempien, Billiam, Michael Rowland and Regina Truax. Billiam was the winner of two door prizes.

There were no birthdays to celebrate for the month of October.

Anniversaries which were recognized were the LaRosas, who have been married for 68 years this month.

The secretary’s report was given by Valerie Rowland. The treasurer’s report was given by Josie Cekinovich.

There was no new business to conduct; however, old business was addressed regarding where the club will hold its meetings.

The group has been seeking opinions on where their monthly meetings should take place, with members agreeing to alternate establishments at the beginning of the year.

One month, the club will meet at Undo’s. The following month, everyone will meet at the Breakfast Club in Steubenville, officials announced.

The menu for the November meeting will consist of a buffet that includes turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and pumpkin pie.

November’s entertainment will be provided by the Ron Retzer Trio. Members were notified that canned goods will be collected for a local nonprofit during the November meeting.

Jokes were told by Liz Beecroft, Cekinovich and Jim Cerra.


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