
Campus news

KENT — Kent State University conferred degrees to summer graduates during commencement exercises Aug. 10.

Ceremonies were held at the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center.

Local graduates included: Kiley Babel, Bergholz, Bachelor of Arts, Arts and Sciences; Bayley McClelland, Carrollton, Associate of Science, Stark Campus; Nicole Rummell, Carrollton, Associate of Applied Business, Tuscarawus Campus; Sophia Crust, Mingo Junction, Bachelor of Arts, Arts and Sciences; Jacob Hudson, Steubenville, Master of Education, Education, Health and Human Services; Austin O’Kruta, Steubenville, Bachelor of Science, Education, Health and Human Services; Hillary Rauch, Steubenville, Associate of Science, Stark Campus; Schianne Goddard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nursing; Aaron Kuchan, Toronto, Bachelor of Integrated Studies, Arts and Sciences; Madelyn Stewart, Toronto, Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Administration; Chloe Swickard, Toronto, Bachelor of Integrative Studies, Arts and Sciences; Corey Cottis, Wintersville, Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Administration; and Taryn McBride, Wintersville, Bachelor of Arts, Arts and Sciences.


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