
Food donation

The fourth-grade Student Senate at Hills Elementary School collected food to help feed local families during the holiday season and beyond. Students collected items between Nov. 18-22. Donations will be used in the school’s pantry, for the Bay Six Project in Mingo Junction and at Trinity Health System’s Tony Teramana Cancer Center. Adviser Ashley Turnbull said this is the eighth year for the program in which non-perishable items were collected by students. Teachers could bring in turkeys for extra bonus points, she added. The school raised 1,937 items. Boxed and canned goods including stuffing, soup, tuna, pasta and vegetables were donated. Teachers provided six turkeys to help with Thanksgiving meals. The school will be receiving a pizza party for its efforts, Turnbull said, noting A.J. Renner’s second-grade class came in first place and will receive an extra prize. Among those taking part were, from left, front, Natalie Nixon; second row, Samuel Fluharty and Ava LaSalle; and back, Chy’Lah Levy, Aleni Wagner, Jace Fithen, Jordy Eft and Aaliyah Day.

— Contributed


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