
Froehlich’s to hold dinner theater New Year’s Eve

NEW YEAR’S EVE EVENT — Froehlich’s Classic Corner will hold a dinner theater of “Tales from the Script,” at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 31. The New Year’s Eve event features the following cast members: Dustin Heavilin, Congressman Beauregard Jackson IV; Renee Storm, Honeydew Thistlewhistle; Sean Decker, Ron Cheney Jr., otherwise known as the Woofman; Butch Maxwell, Bela Lagrossi, otherwise known as Dragula; and Joel Nau, Boris Kissoff, otherwise known as the Rankenstein Monster. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — A monstrous murder mystery is coming to Froehlich’s Classic Corner on New Year’s Eve. The diner-theater production of the musical-comedy “Tales from the Script” will be performed at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 31.

“The early-evening activity is a unique way to celebrate the new year,” stated owner Greg Froehlich. “We are offering the community an opportunity to enjoy a great dinner and the comedy of Mystery Theater Unlimited’s original show.”

Set in 1950, “Tales from the Script” centers on a reunion film being made by three of the horror genre’s top box office draws, including the Rankenstein Monster, Count Dragula and the Woofman. The studio, along with the film’s stars, have high hopes for the movie — despite the fact there is not yet a completed script. And shooting is ready to begin. As if the combined egos of the three washed-up stars were not enough to sink the project, the planned comeback falls into double jeopardy with the arrival of Congressman Beauregard “Foghorn” Jackson IV and his assistant, Miss Thistlewhistle. The congressman is intent on gaining national headlines (and votes) by exposing Hollywood movie stars as communists.

The “Tales from the Script” cast includes Sean Decker, Dustin Heavilin, Renee Storm, Joel Nau and Butch Maxwell. All Mystery Theater Unlimited productions are comedy plays staged in a dining room by a small ensemble company of actors portraying characters, officials explained. Shows are scripted, feature musical parody and combine lots of opportunity for improvisation and audience interactivity. Shows are not performed on a stage, but among the tables throughout the evening.

Reservations may be made by calling Froehlich’s at (740) 283-9901.


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