
Community news from around the area

SAA to hold workshop

WINTERSVILLE — Judy Schmidt, president of the Steubenville Art Association, announced the group will be holding its first workshop of the year on Saturday.

A Pen and Ink Drawing workshop is planned from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Center of Music and Art in Wintersville. The class will be led by Debra Kimball. The cost will be $40 per person. Those who enjoy drawing or want to learn more about this workshop can contact the SAA through its Facebook page prior class.

Schmidt said it is important to let officials know if you will be coming so they can prepare the necessary supplies for you.

Shriners to hold breakfast

WEIRTON — The Northern Panhandle Shrine Club will hold its all-you-can-eat breakfast from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday at the Shriner’s building, located at 1221 Rice Blvd. in Weirton.

The breakfast will include pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage. Drinks available include coffee, orange juice, hot tea and hot chocolate.

The cost will be $7 for adults and $4 for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Children under 6 can eat for free. The event is open to the public.

Libraries to close for holiday

The Brooke County Public libraries in Wellsburg and Follansbee will be closed Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Documentary to be shown

WELLSBURG — The documentary entitled “Unseen,” about a blind, undocumented immigrant attempting to obtain a college degree and support his family, will be shown at noon on Tuesday at the Brooke County Public Library.

To reserve a seat for the free screening, call (304) 737-1551 or visit brookecountylibs.org/events.

Trinity to hold cornhole tournaments

STEUBENVILLE — Trinity Health System will hold an Inaugural Toss for the Heart Cornhole Tournament in honor of February being Heart Month.

The friendly style event is scheduled to take place at 5 p.m. Feb. 5 at the YMCA, located at St. John’s Arena in Steubenville. An additional tournament will take place at 6 p.m. Feb. 11 at 45425 National Road in St. Clairsville. The competitions are for pairs of contestants at the cost of $50 to join.

The purpose of the double-elimination tournaments are to help raise awareness on topic of heart health, officials stated. A maximum of 26 teams can register. Visit eventbrite.com/cc/inaugural-toss-for-your-heart-3943723 to sign up for either event.

Author to discuss book

WELLSBURG — Christina Fisanick, author of “Pulling the Thread: Untangling Wheeling History,” will share excerpts of her work at 11 a.m. Jan. 24 at the Brooke County Public Library.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions following her presentation.

To register for the free program, call (304) 737-1551 or visit brookecountylibs.org/events.

Science center events for weekend

PITTSBURGH — The last chance to come face-to-face with your favorite animated characters from the Carnegie Science Center’s “The Science Behind Pixar” exhibition will take place Jan. 26.

More than 50 hands-on interactive activities will be offered for visitors to dive into in the ways technology, storytelling and creativity came together and created movies such as “Toy Story,” “Monsters, Inc.” and “Finding Nemo.”

Guests can upgrade their selfies with life-size recreations of Buzz Lightyear, Sulley and Mike, Dory, Edna Mole and WALL•E.

Attendees can peer into the mind of Jessie from “Toy Story 2” and manipulate her facial expressions through the use of sliders.

Other activities include discovering how camera placement and angles created a bug’s-eye view in “A Bug’s Life,” head to Ramone’s “House of Body Art” from “Cars,” and virtually change the appearance of a car hood and see how models are given a virtual skeleton that enables animators to pose them.

Enjoy a meet-and-greet with the sisters from “Frozen during a Meet the Ice Sisters event, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the science center. Come dressed to take photos with the duo, officials noted.

Train enthusiasts can see a rail yard of guest trains displayed owned and operated by model train enthusiasts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday on the fourth floor of the center. The Miniature Railroad and Village will be located on the museum’s second floor.

For information or to purchase exhibit tickets, visit CarnegieScienceCenter.org.

Student to attend Brooklyn event

STEUBENVILLE — Aiden Davies of Steubenville High School has been nominated to participate in the 2025 McDonald’s All-American Games in Brooklyn.

Players were nominated by a high-school coach, athletic director, principal or member of the selection committee.

The competition will take place April 1 at the Barclays Center.

Davies joins an elite group of athletes who, for more than four decades, has been nominated for a chance to play in the nation’s premier showcase, officials commented.

The boys’ games will be aired at 9 p.m. April 1 on ESPN.


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