Toronto seniors to meet on Valentine’s Day
TORONTO — The Toronto Sunrise Seniors met Jan. 24 at the Karaffa Recreation Complex.
President Barbara Pritts called the meeting to order.
Mary Lou Emery, co-chaplain, gave the blessing for the covered-dish meal consisting of lasagna as the main course.
Following dinner, the kitchen committee of Jackie Porter, Hank Sheets, Laura Sheets, Mary Jane Tottka and Patti Losey, were thanked for their service and for the table decorations.
Those in attendance thanked Don Pritts for selling tickets to the 50/50 drawing.
Secretary Karen Martin conducted the roll call of officers and read the minutes of the Jan. 10 meeting. Co-treasurer Carol Rogers gave the financial report, which was filed for audit.
Rogers was recognized as January’s member of the month. She addressed the audience, speaking on how she used typewriters, keypunch machines, word processers and computers during her career.
Rogers told of how she experienced a hurricane that had complicated a family wedding, and noted how COVID had ruined another family wedding.
Social Secretary Mary Ann Landerfield announced the names of members celebrating a January birthday, after which she presented members with the health report.
Pritts announced those serving on the kitchen committee for February will include Lynn Miller, Marsha McConnell, Bob Deku and Mary Lou Deku.
Pritts made the announcement that all members are being asked to wear either red or pink to the next meeting in recognition of Valentine’s Day.
The next meeting will take place on Feb. 14 at the Karaffa complex.
Officials reminded members there are two upcoming trips planned for the year, including a trip to see a performance of “Noah,” in Lancaster, Pa., on May 5-9.
The second trip will be to Amish country, where participants will attend a Neil Diamond tribute on Aug. 22.
For information, contact Patty Smith at (330) 386-7309 or Karen Krause at (740) 264-5817.
The evening’s activity was entitled, “How much do you know about the cost of living in Toronto?”
The group explored the cost of rent, buying groceries, dining out, driving a car, washing a vehicle and the cost of stamps today.
Rogers was the winner of the activity.
Winners of the 50/50 drawing were Candi Murphy and McConnell.
Following the joke of the evening, the meeting was adjourned.
Members played bingo, with the winners including, Brenda Fetty, Estrella Hess, Emery, Ethyl Stevens, Landerfield, Nancy Bodrog, Lucy Timko, Betty Mossor, Murphy, Hank Sheets and Don Pritts.
Laura Sheets was thanked for calling the numbers.
Pritts stated the group welcomes any Ohio resident who is 55 years of age and older to join the senior club.