
CHANGE receives book donation for Free Books for Kids Program

WEIRTON — C.H.A.N.G.E., Inc. recently received a donation from Molina Foundation’s Launch to Learn campaign of 4,608 new children’s books to distribute to local families through Family Medical Care Community Health Center’s Free Books for Kids program.

The Free Books for Kids program gives Family Medical Care pediatric patients and their families a free children’s book for every well child visit from birth up to 12 years of age.

Dr. Paul Macdonald, one of FMC’s pediatricians who helped start the program this year, said, “We encourage parents to read aloud daily to their infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children as a simple and effective way of fostering and nurturing language-rich family interactions that support brain development and provide a foundation for success.”

The Molina Foundation’s Launch into Learning campaign provides support of the programs and services of Community Action Agencies like C.H.A.N.G.E., Inc. nationwide. The campaign’s main focus is to provide free educational resources to help children, parents, and caregivers create word-filled homes through reading and learning together. By partnering with C.H.A.N.G.E., Inc. through their Free Books for Kids program, this is one step forward towards closing the “word gap” — the dramatic difference in vocabulary levels between economically disadvantaged children and their more affluent peers.

“Reading is one of the most important skills a child can have. Reading helps calms one’s mind and teaches children to focus. They learn about people, places, and events outside their own experience, which helps them build their confidence. We are very appreciative of the donation, as the books cover the age ranges of infant to pre-teen,” says Judy Raveaux, CEO of CHANGE, Inc.

Because of this donation of books, C.H.A.N.G.E., Inc.’s Free Books for Kids Program can continue to encourage and educate children on the importance of literacy.

To learn more about The Molina Foundation and their Launch into Learning campaign, visit their website at www.molinafoundation.org, or to learn more about C.H.A.N.G.E., Inc.’s programs and services, visit www.changeinc.org.


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