
City leaders eyeing new TIF districts

WEIRTON — While it most likely will come down to a decision by Weirton’s next mayor and city council, discussions are being held on the possibility of establishing new Tax Increment Financing Districts in the city.

The topic was raised during the departmental reports portion of Tuesday’s Weirton Council meeting.

Ward 4 Councilman George Ash explained there is the possibility of two such districts, focusing on the more industrial areas of Weirton.

“We haven’t done anything with it yet,” Ash said, while acknowledging Mayor-elect Dean Harris and the five new individuals set to be part of the next city council, all of whom were in attendance. “We’re just looking into it.”

Ash indicated the particular areas of attention for such TIF districts, if enacted, were in the Half Moon Industrial Park, located off of Freedom Way, and the area of north Weirton, which has been undergoing a transformation in recent years through the demolition and redevelopment of former Weirton Steel property. The north Weirton property could include areas now owned by the Frontier Group of Companies.

Planning and Development Director Mark Miller explained preliminary discussions on such a move can be traced back approximately five years, and he still has the information gathered at the time, which he feels can be used if the city would decide to pursue such a project.

“I put all that together in 2019,” Miller said.

It wouldn’t be the first effort for Weirton to develop a TIF district.

Established for the area known as the Three Springs Business Park, Weirton’s first TIF district was created by action of Weirton Council in November 2004 with the goal of encouraging development in that area located off of Three Springs Drive including Park Drive.

Two projects have been undertaken with the use of TIF dollars which are derived from the difference between the tax revenue from the property prior to its designation as a TIF district and the taxes obtained through its development. Such an “increment” is collected in a fund to assist with projects, while the base amount continues to be distributed as was done previously.

Project 1 involved the extension of Park Drive, along with related utilities, which assisted with the development of the Pietro Fiorentini manufacturing facility located at the end of the road. It has been completed.

Project 2 involves the Park Drive development currently underway, which has involved the city using TIF dollars to fund a streetscape project, along with roads and infrastructure, for the proposed business and residential development now under construction.

The TIF district has a 30-year timeframe, and, as of June 30, the fund derived from the district had approximately $1.1 million which could be put toward other projects in the district while it is still in effect.


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