
Community involvement rewarded at Follansbee Chamber of Commerce dinner

HONOREES — The Follansbee Chamber of Commerce honored a handful of local organizations and citizens for their community involvement at its annual dinner Wednesday. Participants included, from left, front: Tiffany Gale, named the Young Professional of the Year; Lisa Mowry, chief executive officer of CHANGE Inc., the Nonprofit of the Year; and Paige Hashman of Team Ford Wellsburg, the Business of the Year; and back: Chamber President Eric Fithyan, Jessica Elias of Seven Ranges Entertainment, the New Business of the Year; Joe Lombardi, Citizen of the Year; and Mark Teramana of Team Ford of Wellsburg. -- Warren Scott

FOLLANSBEE — The Follansbee Chamber of Commerce took time to recognize a handful of local organizations and citizens for the variety of ways they have served the community at its annual dinner Wednesday at St. Francis Centre.

Chamber President Eric Fithyan said the leaders of chambers of commerce in other states were enlisted to select some of the honorees after reviewing video testimonials submitted by nominees that were presented during the evening.

In other cases, the chamber’s board of trustees selected the recipients.

The chamber’s Citizen of the Year award went to Joe Lombardi, who serves as director business development for Lombardi Development, a local contractor whose work has ranged from expansive additions and renovations to college facilities, government buildings and churches in this region to construction of 4,600- to 5,000- square-foot custom-made homes in Florida.

Established 25 years ago, the Follansbee-based business is overseen by Lombardi’s brother, Paul, and his wife, Karolee.

In introducing Joe Lombardi, Fithyan noted the business’ involvement in community events, including the chamber’s Trunk or Treat.

For that, Joe has been game to assume such roles as Barbie’s boyfriend Ken and the Wicked Witch of the West while joining his co-workers for themed stations where they dispensed candy to children.

Fithyan said behind the scenes, Joe has offered input and support as a board member for both the Follansbee and Weirton chambers of commerce.

After receiving the honor, Joe said, “I owe everything to my family, including my parents, brother, sister-in-law and wife. Every day I try to be better for them.”

He added he’s also thankful to have lived and worked in Follansbee, “where you grow up seeing the opportunities that are available and the hearts of the people.”

Named the chamber’s Business of the Year was Team Ford of Wellsburg, which was represented by Paige Hashman, general sales manager; and Mark Teramana, general manager.

Teramana noted the family business started with Teramana Brothers Coal and grew to include Team Automotive in Steubenville and the Wellsburg dealership in more recent years.

While selling a variety of new and pre-owned vehicles, Team Ford of Wellsburg has been active in the community, serving as a sponsor of the Wellsburg Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas Parade and providing contributions to various causes.

Teramana said that’s fitting because “People have always been the key to our existence. They are, without a doubt, the biggest reason for our success.”

Hashman confirmed there are plans for a little over $1 million in improvements to the dealership and said she and others there were “honored and excited to receive the honor.”

She added, “Eric was the first person to walk into the dealership when we opened and invited us to an event, I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the Follansbee chamber.”

Honored as New Business of the Year was Seven Ranges Entertainment and its owners, Lisa and Derek Ferguson.

Located within the Fort Steuben Mall, the business offers more than 150 arcade games, a nine-hole miniature golf course, an eight-lane ax-throwing gallery, a 12-lane bowling alley and other activities for families to enjoy together.

It also honors famous and local athletes at its Greatest of All Time Sports Bar and Grill.

This year, Seven Ranges Entertainment held its first Trunk-or-Treat event, providing free treats to hundreds of area children.

Honored as Non-profit Organization of the Year was CHANGE Inc., a Weirton-based community action agency that has grown to provide a variety of services to citizens.

For many years, it has secured a federal grant to provide free lunches to children at local parks and offered medical and pharmaceutical services to those who are uninsured or underinsured.

Named Young Professional of the Year was Tiffany Gale, owner of Miss Tiffany’s Early Childhood Education House, a local daycare center, and executive director of the West Virginia Women’s Alliance, a group that promotes women’s access to health care, education and economic opportunities.

She is a charter member of the Hancock Brooke Young Professionals, a group that offers young business owners and others opportunities for community service and professional growth.

Gale has lobbied state lawmakers for legislation that would make childcare more accessible to West Virginians.

This year, she was selected to participate in the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership West Virginia program, which includes informational sessions covering several topics related to the economy and education.


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