
Hancock Commission supports fire grant, Shop with a Cop program

OFFERING SUPPORT – Meeting Tuesday, Hancock County commissioners offered their support to a grant recently awarded to the New Manchester Volunteer Fire Department, as well as agreeing to provide a donation to the county’s Shop with a Cop program. Taking part were, from left, Commissioners Paul Cowey, Jeff Davis and Eron Chek. -- Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND – Hancock County Commissioners offered their support, Tuesday, to two requests set to assist local emergency services.

Among those requests was a decision to provide $7,511.43 for matching funds for the New Manchester Volunteer Fire Department to receive an Assistance to Firefighters Grant.

According to the request letter, signed by New Manchester Fire Chief Roger Stewart, the department was notified in July it had been approved for a 2023 grant, with federal funding in the amount of $157,740 awarded to the department to assist with the purchase of new air packs and related equipment.

“Having been unsuccessful in multiple applications for the AFG, we chose this year to employ a professional grant writer to provide assistance,” Stewart’s letter notes. “While costly, our choice has proven to be well worth the money spent.”

The fire department had requested a match of $8,503.43 to serve as the commission’s match, but Commissioner Eron Chek offered a motion for the lesser amount.

“I’m not sure we can pay for grant writing services when we already employ a grant writer,” Chek said.

The funds will be used to purchase 17 new MSA G1 SCBA air packs, as well as associated components and accessories, from Witmer Public Safety Group, at a total cost of $158,732.

“This is a huge grant,” Commission President Jeff Davis said.

The second request was granted by a $500 donation from the commission to the Hancock County Shop with a Cop program.

“Now more than ever I believe this program is necessary to not only provide a Christmas to the less fortuante, but also provide our local law enforcement with the opportunity to interact with the community in a positive way,” wrote Deputy First Class Chance Weyand, program coordinator. “This program is very special to this community, myself included, and any contribution would be greatly appreciated.”

Through Shop with a Cop, county youth, from birth to age 17 who might otherwise not receive anything for Christmas, are able to receive gifts, funded by local donations.

This year’s shopping day has been set for Dec. 15.

Davis offered his appreciation to Weyand for stepping into the position of program coordinator recently.


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