
Traffic reminder issued for Weirton parade Saturday

WEIRTON — With the Weirton Christmas Parade taking place Saturday night, city police are reminding residents of traffic closures set to take place to assist with the festivities.

The parade, organized by the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce with a theme of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” will step off at 6 p.m. Saturday, with a route along Main Street from Virginia Avenue to Marland Heights Road.

According to the Weirton Police Department, officers will be at their assigned intersections beginning at 5 p.m., with traffic on the parade route closed at 5:30 p.m.

As part of the closures leading up to the parade, northbound traffic will be sent onto Lemoyne Avenue, and then onto West Street to Virginia Avenue, where they will be directed back onto Main Street.

It should be noted, Virginia Avenue will be closed to traffic during the parade.

Southbound lanes will be closed at the Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue intersection, with traffic rerouted to Weir Avenue and Cove Road, and then sent to U.S. 22.

Westbound traffic on Cove Road will be closed at the Weir Avenue and Cove Road intersection, rerouted north on Weir Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Premiere sponsors of the Weirton Christmas Parade are West Virginia Northern Community College and Nick’s Auto.

This year’s honorary grand marshal is the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley.

The festivities will conclude with the arrival of Santa Claus and a fireworks display to be set off from behind Municipal Plaza.


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