
Weirton Christmas Parade to be rockin’

WEIRTON — Area residents are invited to have a rockin’ time as part of this year’s Weirton Christmas Parade, presented by the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce.

This year’s parade, scheduled for 6 p.m., Nov. 30, will bring a mix of floats, bands, dance groups and more, featuring the theme of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.”

This year’s grand marshal is the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley.

Chamber President Brenda Mull explained the parade, which traditionally takes place the Saturday after Thanksgiving, wouldn’t be possible without support from the local business community.

“Currently, we have our two premier sponsors, which are West Virginia Northern Community College and Nick’s Auto,” Mull noted. “The sponsorship opportunity is still open for others.”

The evening will include parade entries representing various businesses, schools, civic organizations and more, making their way down Main Street, from Virginia Avenue to Marland Heights Road, covered in lights and other festive décor, helping to usher Santa Claus along the way for the enjoyment of spectators in the city’s downtown.

The evening will be capped off with a fireworks display, provided by Pyrotechnico, to be set off from behind Municipal Plaza.

To date, fireworks sponsors include DeFelice Bros. Pizza, Domino’s Pizza, Goodwill Industries, Hancock County Savings Bank, Lauttamus Communications, McDonalds/Tomtreyco, Mountaineer Casino Racetrack and Resort, Nick’s Auto, Summers Enterprise, Weirton Rental and Window World.

In addition, the chamber is encouraging spectators to enjoy some of the community’s holiday decorations, in particular the large tree now in place in front of the Millsop Community Center.

“The city has put up a beautiful new Christmas tree,” Mull noted, adding the tree will make a great backdrop for those wishing to take photos of themselves, as well as with family and friends.

For those unable to make it to the parade in person, the chamber is working with Pierce Media to record the holiday procession, with Mull explaining it will be available for viewing on the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page, beginning on Christmas Day.

As matters of safety, Mull notes traffic on Main Street the day of the parade will be closed down beginning at 5:30 p.m., and those taking part in the parade must arrive and be registered prior to that point.

Those wishing to pass out candy, or other items, are asked to have walkers assisting them in an effort to prevent children from running out into the street.

There is still time for those looking to take part to sign up, with Mull asking those interested to contact the chamber for an application.

“Come out, have a good time and enjoy our ‘rockin’ parade,” Mull said.


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