
18th annual SMART529 ‘When I Grow Up’ essay contest under way

CHARLESTON — The 18th annual SMART529 “When I Grow Up” essay contest, organized through the West Virginia Treasurer’s Office, is under way.

Entries for the contest, which provides students across West Virginia with a chance to win up to $5,000 in SMART529 savings, must be submitted by Feb. 28 to be considered.

Teachers also have a chance to win a $2,500 cash prize.

“My hope is that this contest inspires our West Virginia children to begin thinking about potential career opportunities,” Treasurer Larry Pack said. “My office wants to hear from students who are starting to explore how they can achieve their dreams by attending college or a trade school.”

For the contest, participating students are asked to write an essay of 200 words or less, explaining what they want to be when they grow up. Entries are judged on originality, creativity, and the importance of post-secondary education.

Last year, more than 3,300 students participated in the contest, working with their families and educators to discover job pathways that spark their interests and can lead them to a fulfilling future career.

The contest is open to pupils from kindergarten through the fifth grade, with entries judged among five geographic regions and three age groups.

The 15 regional winners will be awarded $500 invested into SMART529 college savings accounts. Out of the regional winners, one grand prize winner will be randomly selected to receive a total of $5,000 toward a SMART529 account during an awards ceremony at the state Culture Center in Charleston.

Each winner’s school will also receive a $500 cash award. Teachers in the participating grade levels also have the opportunity to compete in the teacher portion of the essay contest. This year’s winning teacher will receive a $2,500 cash prize.

Entry forms will be available through West Virginia schools, as well as online at www.SMART529.com.


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