
Chester council adjusts municipal water works tariff

CHESTER — Chester Council adjusted the Chester Municipal Water Works tariff to bring the program more in line with the rest of the state.

During Tuesday’s meeting, which had to be rescheduled due to the weekend’s inclement weather, council members voted to adjust the tariff “to represent critical changes to policy regarding leak adjustments and other administrative fees regarding the Chester Municipal Water Works.”

For example, council increased the rate to $3.50 per 1,000 gallons when a bill reflects unusual consumption due to eligible leakage on the customer’s side of the meter.

Mayor Ed Wedgewood said that Chester’s rate had been 60 cents, which was at the bottom of rates in the state.

Customers are only eligible to utilize this leak adjustment policy once in a 12-month period.

The ordinance, which governs the tariff, also levies a $25 fee on any call outside regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday or on a holiday. The city now bills an additional $20 per hour per employee for an after-hours call.

Previously there had been no cost differential.

The language also reiterates that if a Chester Municipal Water Works employee has to either remove or lock a water meter to prevent a customer from unlawfully obtaining water following a disconnection for non-payment, there is a $100 water reinstatement fee to restore service.

In other matters addressed during the meeting:

Council accepted more than $3 million into the general fund, mostly from a paving reimbursement grant, as well as paid $393,988.37 worth of bills between Nov. 3, 2024, and Jan. 4, 2025.

It was noted the building fund brought in $16,240 worth of receipts and paid out $6,764.03 worth of bills during the same two months as council didn’t meet in December.

Nathan Wright was appointed to fill a two-year term with the Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission. Wedgewood already is a designated commission member.

Council met in executive session with police officials for personnel matters near the conclusion of the meeting with no action taken.

The next regular council meeting has been scheduled for 5 p.m., Feb. 3 in council chambers.


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