
Fundraiser to benefit area youth

HELPING OUT — A fundraiser will be held Saturday at the Chester American Legion for 2-year-old Neiko Boni, who is battling Langerhans Histiocytosis. Neiko is shown here with his parents, Keasha Barz and Jake Boni, who are Steubenville police officers with Oak Glen ties. -- Contributed

CHESTER — A bump on the head isn’t necessarily an unusual occurrence for a 2-year-old tot. However, in the case of Neiko Boni it was more serious.

Members of the Oak Glen Junior Bears and Matmen are looking to lend a hand to Neiko, who was diagnosed with Langerhans Histiocytosis, after the lump on his forehead was biopsied right before Christmas.

A fundraiser is being organized for Saturday to benefit Neiko at the Chester American Legion. Leading the effort are volunteers Myndi Allison, Letha Phillips, Amber Ware and Neiko’s grandmother, Crystal Clifton.

According to organizers, tickets are $25 each for 10 games of six-card bingo with a winner garnering $50 for each game.

Langerhans Histiocytosis is a rare, cancer-like disease that occurs when the body produces too many immature immune cells that build up — damaging tissue, organs and bones — and form tumors.

The ailment is most common in male children. It manifests into bone lesions, skin rashes and even malfunctioning organs.

Neiko had the lump on his forehead removed three days after being diagnosed at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. A piece of his skull was removed for testing.

As his family continues to wait for results regarding the skull, doctors predict a long road of chemotherapy with lifelong MRIs and CT scans as well as follow-ups for Neiko.

His parents, Jake Boni and Keasha Barz, are both on leave as police officers with the City of Steubenville to provide needed care of Neiko.

Members of the Oak Glen Junior Bears and Matmen have watched Neiko grow up on the sidelines, supporting his 9-year-old uncle competing on both their football and wrestling teams.

As volunteers explained: “Neiko is like our team mascot; they are our family.”

Despite his diagnosis, Neiko is in good spirits, they added.

Doors open at 3 p.m. Saturday for the event, which is being held at 404 Carolina Ave. in downtown Chester.

Regular bingo, which is included in the $25 ticket price, starts at 5 p.m. However, those wishing to participate in early bird bingo at 4 p.m. can purchase those cards at the door separately.

The event includes both 50/50 drawings and basket auctions. Volunteers are still accepting donations of auction baskets; food like ground beef, hot dogs, buns and other snack foods.

To purchase tickets, call Phillips at (330) 303-9391 or Allison at (304) 479-0341.


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