
Local Briefs

City offices to close for MLK Day

WEIRTON — City of Weirton administrative offices will be closed Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

While offices will be closed, the collection of garbage and recycling will remain on its regular schedule. In addition, Weirton Transit offices will be closed, with no routes available.

Steubenville school board to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville Board of Education will hold its reorganizational meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the board office, 611 N. Fourth St.

The regular board meeting will follow immediately.

DD board to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Board of Development Disabilities will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday.

The meeting will be held in the conference room of the administrative offices, 250 John Scott Highway.

To participate, contact the board office at (740) 264-5812 before Thursday to make arrangements.

Special meeting in Edison

RICHMOND — The Edison Local Board of Education will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Jan. 30 in the fieldhouse at Edison High School.

The purpose of the meeting is for a board work session. Call the district office at (740) 282-0065, extension 1100, for information.

Edison sets board meetings

RICHMOND — The Edison Local School District has set its meeting schedule for the year.

It includes: Feb. 20, Stanton Elementary School; March 20, Edison High Schoo; April 17, John Gregg Elementary School; May 15, Edison High School; June 26, Edison High School; July 17, Edison High School; Aug. 21, Edison High School; Sept. 1, John Gregg; Oct. 16, Stanton; Nov. 20, Edison High School; and Dec. 18, Edison High School.

All meetings will begin at 6 p.m.

SVRTA sets holiday schedule

STEUBENVILLE — The Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority will run on Holiday schedule Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

SVRTA’s regular schedule will resume on Jan. 21.


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