
Oaths administered

As one of his last acts as 1st Judicial Circuit Court Judge Ronald Wilson on Dec. 30 administered oaths of office to Family Court Judges Heather Wood, left, and Joyce Dumbaugh Chernenko. Wood and Chernenko preside over cases in Hancock, Brooke and Ohio counties involving divorce, annulments, paternity, visitation and issues involving parental responsibility with the exception of those involving child abuse and neglect. After being appointed to the bench in 2018, Wood, a graduate of the University of Tulsa College of Law, was elected last year. Chernenko is entering her 29th year as family court judge for the three counties. A graduate of the West Virginia University College of Law, she was one of the first family court judges to be appointed following the court’s establishment in 2001 through a public vote and state legislation in which she provided input. — Contributed


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