
Resolve to donate life this new year

If you made it to the finish line of the holiday season and thought to yourself, “That’s it. I’m done. I have nothing left to give,” you’re wrong. During this National Blood Donor Month, the American Red Cross is reminding us all we’ve got plenty to give.

While the purpose of the month is to celebrate “those who generously roll up a sleeve to keep blood products stocked for hospitals providing critical care,” it’s also a reminder there is always the need for more. The Red Cross suggests we can even use this start to a new year to “resolve to donate blood.”

But, if simply doing something that will help your fellow man isn’t enough reason, the Red Cross is using this month to offer anyone who donates blood, platelets or plasma before Jan. 31 an entry to win a trip for two to the Super Bowl. Wow.

“If everyone does their part and we collectively commit to donating blood, we can stack up more wins for hospital patients who are counting on us,” said NFL legend Peyton Manning. “A single individual is certainly impactful, but a whole team of people coming together to donate has an even greater effect.”

Again, it shouldn’t take prize incentives and pep talks to encourage us to donate, but while the Red Cross has gone to all the trouble, we might as well take advantage of the opportunity. Go to RedCrossBlood.org or call 800-733-2767 to find out more and make an appointment. And Manning is right. Get a whole group of people together to do it, if that makes it easier. Get it done.


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