
Locals named on D5 All-Ohio honorable mention list

The All-Ohio teams for Divisions IV and V were released on Tuesday and nine players from the Herald-Star/Daily Times coverage area were on the list.

All in Division V, seven players from Edison and two from Harrison Central garnered honorable mentions.

From the Wildcats, quarterback JD Henderson, receiver Cole Pittman, offensive lineman Bubba Thompson, defensive lineman Evan Kimmerle, linebackers Matt Evans and Eddie McAllister and defensive back Zack VanGosen made the list.

From the Huskies were punter Brady Hyre and defensive back Chaz Culbertson.

The All-Ohio lists are voted on by a committee of members from the Ohio Prep Sports Media Association. The All-Ohio teams are based on nominations from the seven districts of the OPSMA, which vote on the all-district teams from regular-season accomplishments.

The All-Ohio releases will continue today with Divisions II and III. Division I will be released on Thursday. Divisions VI and VII were released Monday.


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