

Crusaders improve to 5-0 with win over Parkersburg Catholic

STEUBENVILLE — The Catholic Central boys basketball team remains among the ranks of the unbeaten.

The Crusaders improved their early season mark to 5-0 with a 72-49 victory over visiting Parkersburg Catholic on Friday night inside the Mickey Barber Gymnasium.

Central was set to take on fellow undefeated team Caldwell back at home on Saturday afternoon.

Edison falls to Bridgport

RIChMOND — The Edison boys basketball team fell to Bridgeport at home 80-64 on Friday night.

Jackson McBane led the Wildcats with 18 points, while Kyle Long had 16, Bryce Rogers had 14 and Jaxon Wiley had 12.


Creek falls to UL

WINTERSVILLE — Indian Creek’s girls basketball team dropped a close 41-37 decision at home on Coach D Court Friday night to visiting Union Local.

After the clash of perennial OVAC powers, Creek is now 4-2 on the season, while the Jets improve to 6-1.

Creek held a 15-13 lead at haltime, but UL out-scored the Redskins 28-21 in the second half to take the victory.

Kaydence Walker had a big night for Creek, netting 21 points, while McKenna Scott, who recently passed 1,000 career points, had eight tallies.

Huskies fall to Bellaire

CADIZ — Harrison Central’s girls basketball team dropped a 45-41 decision to Bellaire on Friday night.

Maddie Sedgmer had 12 points and eight rebounds to lead the now 4-3 Huskies, while Mikayla Petr5isko tallied 11 points and seven rebounds.


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