
Big Red Boosters Club set to hold its first sportsman’s bash

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville Big Red Boosters are gearing up for the first Sportsman’s Bash on Feb. 1.

The fundraiser will take place at St. Florian Hall in Wintersville and doors open at 3 p.m. with the drawing to start at 4 p.m. The cost is $40 for a main board ticket and dinner or $25 for the main board only and winners need not be present for drawings. Sponsorships are also available for $50 to shout out Harding and Big Red athletes, which will showcased on the videoboard with ads designed by parents; for $500, which includes 10 main board tickets with dinner and a reserved table until 5:30 p.m.; and for $1,000, which includes 10 main board tickets with dinner, a reserved table until 5:30 p.m., one Steubenville Big Red custom cooler, the sponsor’s name on the Sportsman’s Bash T-shirt, 10 Chinese auction tickets per seat and advertising on the videoboard and placemats.

Athletic Director John Arlesic is organizing the fete and said it was another way to benefit the Steubenville High School and Harding Middle School sports programs.

“After seeing other schools and organizations having great success with their activities, we figured it would be a way to get support from our Steubenville alumni and those across the area and country,” Arlesic said. “We could reach out and invite people outside of Steubenville and reach other athletic programs at Harding and the high school.”

More than two-dozen prizes will be drawn while 20 Chinese Auction baskets will also be on hand. Prizes include a wide array of items for the outdoors from hunting gear and archery and fishing packages to a kayak and trail cam, as well as cash. He added that ticket sales currently were underway while sponsorships were also available.

“There are different sponsorship levels and proceeds will go to the Harding and Big Red athletics through the Big Red Booster Club.”

He noted that the event is scheduled between the NFL Conference Championship and Super Bowl, and there will be no football games that weekend.

Herbert Crossland, a member of the Boosters Board of Directors, said the board greatly supported the endeavor.

“We work well together and thought this was a good idea,” Crossland said. “Big Red has always been successful and we endorse this to the fullest extent and are sure it’s going to be successful.”

Tickets can be purchased at Booster Club meetings, select sporting events at the Big Red ticket office or by contacting any SHS or HMS coach. For information, contact Arlesic at (740) 282-9741, Extension 1104, or email jarlesic@rollred.org or AD secretary Becca Boring at (740) 282-9741, Ext. 1195, or email bboring@rollred.org.


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