

Dunlap, Sedgmer lead Huskies

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Harrison Central girls basketball team doubled up on double-doubles to beat Cambridge in the Buckeye 8 event matchups at the ECO Center on Saturday, 54-32.

Kennedy Dunlap was named the player of the game with 13 points and 11 rebounds, while Maddie Sedgmer netted 12 points and pulled down 15 boards.

Mikayla Pelegreen netted 10 points and Kara Blackburn 11 giving Harrison Central four in double digits, while Lauren Doane had an all-around impactful day with six points, seven rebounds, six assists and eight steals.

The Huskies reached double-digits in the win column as they are now 10-5 and are slated to take on Catholic Central on Wednesday.

Central wins big

STEUBENVILLE — The Catholic Central girls basketball team rolled to a 45-13 win over visiting East Palestine on Saturday.

The Crusaders, now 8-5, had 10 different players find the scoresheet in the win. They were led by eight points from Mara Delaney, seven from Mary Rohde and six from Delaney Dankert.

The Crusaders host Shadyside on Monday.


Brooke falls at Magnolia

NEW MARTINSVILLE — The Brooke boys basketball team dropped a 62-57 decision on the road at Magnolia on Saturday.

The Bruins got 18 points and four assists from Andrew Murdock and 17 points and five rebounds from Grant Yost.

The Bruins host Edison on Friday.


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