
Mountaineer results




First Race – – Purse $6,200, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile Seventy Yards

9-Baylynn (Leon S.) $6.40 $3.20 $2.20

6-D M’s Exclusive (Quinones L.)  $3.80 $2.60

8-Daydreaming Diva (Parker D.)   $2.20

Also Ran: Sunny Isles Girl, Elevensixtyseven, Propilot, Dutchie Baby, Ace Basin Baby

Late Scratches: Rowdy Ronda, Grandma’s Magic

Race Time: 1:47.50

Perfecta (9-6), $24.20; Superfecta (9-6-8-10), $678.20; Trifecta (9-6-8), $50.40

Second Race – – Purse $6,100, Maiden Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile

1A-Market Ride (Parker D.) $6.80 $3.60 $3.00

7-Diegobas (Leon S.)  $3.60 $2.20

5-Chocomint (Quinones L.)   $2.60

Also Ran: Warrior King, Spaced Out, Billy the Greek, Fictionalcharacter

Late Scratches: War Venture, Not for Profit

Race Time: 1:43.49

Daily Double (9-1), $27.60; Perfecta (1-7), $30.40; Superfecta (1-7-5-3), $249.40; Trifecta (1-7-5), $92.80

Third Race – – Purse $6,300, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Five Furlongs

3-Burkina (Quinones L.) $7.40 $4.40 $2.20

4-My Pet (Rivera L.)  $15.00 $4.60

6-Kissin in the Dark (Gonzalez L.)   $2.20

Also Ran: Captains Glory, Princess Millie, Unexpected Spin

Race Time: 1:00.88

Perfecta (3-4), $110.00; Superfecta (3-4-6-1), $500.60; Trifecta (3-4-6), $298.20

Fourth Race – – Purse $6,600, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Six Furlongs

4-Rekha Diamond (Barbaran E.) $2.80 $2.20 $2.20

2-Chariot Char (Lagunes G.)  $2.40 $2.20

1-Space of Time (Bracho A.)   $3.00

Also Ran: Golden B. J., Katieafterdark, Che Serai

Race Time: 1:13.61

Perfecta (4-2), $6.20; Superfecta (4-2-1-5), $28.20; Trifecta (4-2-1), $17.60

Fifth Race – – Purse $14,100, Maiden special weight, 2 yo, Six Furlongs

6-Laser Luke (Quinones L.) $13.00 $5.00 $2.40

5-Oops I Am (Lagunes G.)  $3.60 $2.20

1A-Mr D’s Way (Paucar E.)   $2.20

Also Ran: Time Arches On, Senor Wilbur, Jacque’s Nugget, Merengon, A J’s Mojo

Race Time: 1:13.62

Daily Double (4-6), $25.60; Perfecta (6-5), $45.00; Superfecta (6-5-1-3), $290.40; Trifecta (6-5-1), $66.80; Pic 3 (3-4-6), $64.20; Pic 4 (1-3-4-6), $332.80

Sixth Race – – Purse $6,300, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Five And A Half Furlongs

7-G F Budders (Vigil N.) $3.20 $2.40 $2.20

6-Notional King (Rivera L.)  $3.60 $2.80

2-Langtanz (Leon S.)   $3.20

Also Ran: Viscious Lies, Sturbridge, Philippic, Chiquito Kisses

Race Time: 1:05.96

Perfecta (7-6), $9.20; Superfecta (7-6-2-4), $208.00; Trifecta (7-6-2), $48.80

Seventh Race – – Purse $14,100, Maiden special weight, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile

3-Double Sence (Pilares C.) $3.60 $2.40 $2.20

1-Mt. Katahdin (Rosendo I.)  $3.20 $2.60

5-Waddy (Fadlovich M.)   $3.40

Also Ran: Autumn Leaf Fall, Purely Amazing, Bond Black

Race Time: 1:40.65

Perfecta (3-1), $11.20; Superfecta (3-1-5-4), $61.40; Trifecta (3-1-5), $30.20

Eighth Race – – Purse $6,800, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile

4-Shock Leader (Fadlovich M.) $7.60 $4.60 $3.40

2-Sweeping Victory (Williams A.)  $6.20 $3.80

7-Macho Matt (Paucar E.)   $2.80

Also Ran: Saffiano, Mr Num Num, Gotta Make Payroll, Motion to Appeal, Julios Cat

Race Time: 1:39.93

Perfecta (4-2), $47.00; Superfecta (4-2-7-1), $891.00; Trifecta (4-2-7), $114.60


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