
Mountaineer results

Monday’s Results



First Race – – Purse $6,200, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Six Furlongs

5-Go Heat (Rivera L.) $4.40 $2.60 $2.20

3-Zeus’s Thunder (Lagunes G.)  $5.60 $2.60

6-Gifted Ghost (Zenteno R.)   $2.20

Also Ran: Majestic Touch, Drama Finds You, Dream of K D, Cliff Diving Doug

Late Scratches: Kept the Faith

Race Time: 1:14.42

Perfecta (5-3), $16.20; Superfecta (5-3-6-7), $48.60; Trifecta (5-3-6), $27.00

Second Race – – Purse $6,800, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Five And A Half Furlongs

6-My Lawyer George (Jurado E.) $15.40 $3.80 $3.00

4-Luck With a Kiss (Parker D.)  $2.60 $2.20

1-Totee (Rivera L.)   $5.40

Also Ran: My Nicky, Tuffy Cottrell, John’s Sharp Humor

Late Scratches: Gambaru

Race Time: 1:06.90

Daily Double (5-6), $36.00; Perfecta (6-4), $54.20; Superfecta (6-4-1-3), $1,042.60; Trifecta (6-4-1), $455.20; Consolation Double (5-7), $4.20

Third Race – – Purse $14,100, Maiden special weight, 2 yo, Five And A Half Furlongs

2-Moovin On Machen (Bracho A.) $2.80 $2.20

5-Jacque’s Nugget (Zenteno R.)  $2.60

1-Walkin Princess (Ramirez E.)

Also Ran: Lawton Blue Devil

Late Scratches: My Kayee, Nosy Zoe

Race Time: 1:07.91

Perfecta (2-5), $8.60; Superfecta (2-5-1-6), $18.40; Trifecta (2-5-1), $18.60

Fourth Race – – Purse $6,300, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile Seventy Yards

4-Jimmu (Parker D.) $5.60 $2.60 $2.20

7-Fifty Two (Lagunes G.)  $3.40 $2.20

5-Unbridled Ghost (Barbaran E.)   $2.20

Also Ran: Indy Signal, Far From Normal, Lost Kodiak, Saturdanitespecial

Race Time: 1:46.87

Perfecta (4-7), $17.00; Superfecta (4-7-5-3), $143.20; Trifecta (4-7-5), $37.40

Fifth Race – – Purse $6,200, Claiming $5,000, 3 yo’s & up, Six Furlongs

2-Vexatious Vixen (Paucar E.) $16.20 $7.80 $3.60

1-Barnsvlle Shamrock (Cruz A.)  $3.40 $2.20

5-Ichtli (Quinones L.)   $2.40

Also Ran: Sweet Cookie, Propilot, Our Lucky Lady, Instant Celebrity

Late Scratches: Siyawe

Race Time: 1:14.15

Daily Double (4-2), $48.00; Perfecta (2-1), $45.00; Superfecta (2-1-5-7), $561.20; Trifecta (2-1-5), $106.40; Pic 3 (2-4-2), $74.00; Pic 4 (6-2/3/4-4-2), $727.00

Sixth Race – – Purse $16,200, AOC $15,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile

5-Served Cold (Ortiz W.) $5.80 $3.20

3-Too Cool (Houghton T.)  $2.40

2-Sweet Sound (Ramirez E.)

Also Ran: Shimmy, Withalittlehope

Race Time: 1:41.71

Perfecta (5-3), $18.80; Superfecta (5-3-2-1), $70.20; Trifecta (5-3-2), $70.60

Seventh Race – – Purse $18,400, Allowance, 3 yo’s & up, Six Furlongs

5-Great Start (Barbaran E.) $2.80 $2.20

1-Odessa Wind (Sarvis D.)  $2.60

6-Basheba (Leon S.)

Also Ran: J Z’s Diva, Spectacular Lady

Late Scratches: Vacanzie Inn, Lava Rocks

Race Time: 1:12.22

Perfecta (5-1), $9.20; Superfecta (5-1-6-3), $61.20; Trifecta (5-1-6), $18.20

Eighth Race – – Purse $16,200, AOC $15,000, 3 yo’s & up, One Mile

6-Paltarrevenge (Bracho A.) $16.00 $11.00 $3.80

8-Thirtysilverpieces (Lagunes G.)  $38.40 $8.40

7-Explore (Quinones L.)   $2.20

Also Ran: White Gladiator, Qeyaas, Shock Leader, Remembertobreathe

Late Scratches: Pleasant Outlook, Chairman Garey

Race Time: 1:39.57

Perfecta (6-8), $454.80; Superfecta (6-8-7-5), $8,198.60; Trifecta (6-8-7), $1,291.00


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