
Tost — McGovern

Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tost

MCMURRAY, PA — Katherine “Katie” McGovern and Dr. Nicholas Tost were recently married in a private ceremony in Italy.

The bride is the daughter of Lorraine and the late John E. “Jack” McGovern Jr. of McMurray Pa. The groom is the son of Lorraine and Leonard Tost III of McMurray Pa. The groom’s maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Porco of Weirton. His paternal grandparents are Irene Tsapis of Weirton and the late Leonard J. Tost.

The bride is a 2014 summa cum laude graduate of Peters Township High School, where the couple met. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018 with a B.S. in communication science and disorders. In 2020, she graduated with her master’s of science in speech language pathology and completed a graduate thesis. She is a medical speech language pathologist with the Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y.

The groom is a 2013 cum laude graduate of Peters Township High School.

He graduated cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh in 2016 with a B.S. in biology. In 2022, he graduated from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine as a doctor of osteopathic medicine. He is beginning his diagnostic radiology residency at the Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y.

The couple will reside in Troy, N.Y.


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