
Marriage applications

The following marriage applications have been filed in Jefferson County:

Stephen Nicholas Dean and Colleen Marie Farabaugh, both of Steubenville

Brady Andrew Kovalski and Krystin Laura Subasic, both of Triadelphia

Joseph Koralja Jr. and Jami Ruth Montgomery, both of Steubenville

Damian Ellis Michael Sproull and Leeanna Evalina Wurschum, both of Rayland

Eddie Ray Osborne and Genesis De La Cruz Vasquez, both of Wintersville

Kevin Matthew Hibbard of Oil City, Pa., and Josephine Danielia Muniz of Fairmont, W.Va.

Joshua Francis Dylewski of Steubenville and Colleen Mary Franckhauser of Wintersville

Bryan Frank Cox and Alyssa Raye Hess, both of Steubenville

Nathaniel James Bowers of Follansbee and Lauren Mae Segle of Wintersville

Matthew Robert Marker and Caitlin Crystal Dibler, both of Toronto

Denver Jennings Chisom II and Hillary Elizabeth Jones, both of Toronto

Timothy William Dowdel and Tamara Renee McEwen, both of Mingo Junction

Corey Matthew Neavin and Jordan Tristen Parker, both of Dillonvale

Joseph Terrance Elder-Mitchell and Taneshia Caree James, both of Steubenville

Howard James Moore of Wheeling and Nicole Michele McCardle of Adena

Warren Nicholas Rawlings and Nicole Ann L. Davis, both of Toronto

Scott Joseph Trekal of Yorkville and Elizabeth Ann Fodor of Bellaire

Joseph Edward O’Brien of Hammondsville and Maria Mickela Dora Martin of Wintersville

Jalil Donta Harvey and Chantele Taylor, both of Steubenville

Randall Lee Tudor and Kelley Amber Mizell, both of Toronto


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