
Marriage applications

The following marriage applications have been filed in Jefferson County:

Storm Allen Allese of Toronto and Chelsea Elizabeth Zdinak of Stratton

Ryan Michael Wood of Bloomingdale and Abigail Rose Yekel of Scio

Joshua William Gardner and Jessica Louise Wicker, both of Dillonvale

Eric Lee Fisher and Lisa Ann Owen, both of Toronto

Joshua Bernard Kaplar and Izadora Rae Leake, both of Steubenville

Trenton Allen Turner of Wintersville and Marissa Mackenzie Glatz of Olmstead

Terry Lee Pinkerton Jr. and Carolyn Pinkerton, both of Toronto

Zachary Paul-Michael Jurovaty of Wintersville and Sydney Tyler Porter of Brilliant

Ryan Cale Thompson of Rayland and Aimee Francesca Armstrong of Southport, Merseyside, U.K.

Emmett Ray Ferguson Jr. and Emily Louise Straker, both of Steubenville

Luis Enrique Doria Reyes and Leslie Abigail Medellin, both of Wintersville

Miles Barger Fiorello and Crystal Marie Hoover, both of Mingo Junction

William G. Sterling of Brilliant and Jennifer Rae McCall of Steubenville

Tyler Michael Ewing of Toronto and Jocelyn Rhaeann Cantwell of Steubenville

Brandon Paul Julian of Mingo Junction and Alexis Nicole McClure of Steubenville

Dakota Tye Workman of Houston and William Robert Evans of Dillonvale

Paul Anthony Smith Cummings and Kayla Marie Smuck, both of Lemon Grove, Calif.


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