
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Teething pains: A woman said her boyfriend accused her of cheating on him during an argument and at one point grabbed her shirt, held her on the ground and bit her face, Friday. She had a large circular bruise on her cheek. She told police that after he bit her, she threw a pill bottle that struck him on the forehead, leaving a small scratch. He claimed she threw the pill bottle before he bit her. Neither of them wanted to pursue charges.

Cited: A city resident was cited for fictitious plates after he allegedly was seen on North Ninth Street with a registration that was expired and didn’t belong on the vehicle he was driving, Saturday. Police said Lawain Livingston II, 34, 401 Dresden Ave., was “yelling and cussing at officers” during the traffic stop and initially refused to sign his citation, “scribbling all of the information on (it) and stating that was his signature.” The officer redid the citation, and said he warned Livingston he would also be charged with obstruction if he “scribbled across all of the information on the (new) citation.”

Lost and found: Two people in the 1500 block of Maryland Avenue were arguing over “stolen money,” Saturday. Police said while they were talking to the two of them the money was located.

Fraud: A Crestline resident told police she discovered 14 fraudulent charges on her bank account, Friday. The fraud occurred “throughout October and November” and totaled just under $1,514.

Disturbing: Two people caused a disturbance in the 200 block of South Third Street, Saturday. The couple admitted they’d been arguing, and each accused the other of hitting them. Neither of them had a visible injury, police said.

Charged: A city resident is facing multiple charges after employees at Wal-Mart allegedly found merchandise that hadn’t been paid for stuffed in his backpack, Saturday. Police said they took Lee Beckett, 40, 180 N. Fourth St., Apt. 404, Steubenville, into custody on a warrant for failure to appear when employees reported finding merchandise valued at $133 in his backpack. He also was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of drugs after they found a pipe and a suboxone on Beckets’ person. Becket claimed he has a prescription for the suboxone, though police noted it wasn’t in a medicine bottle.

Rockin’ out: A Lawson Avenue resident said someone threw a rock through her window, Friday. She told police she believes a male and female known to her were involved in the vandalism and showed them a text from the male. She said she’s had issues with the female in the past.

Fed up: A couple in the 300 block of Rosemont Avenue was arguing and the female told police she wanted her live-in to move out, Friday. Because the male lives there, she was advised she would have to evict him.

Served: Helen Edwards, 42,1241 Ridge Ave., Steubenville, warrants for failure to appear and littering; Jared Drennen, 33,1109 Hillary Square, Steubenville, bench warrant;

Cited: Anne Seida, 21, Niles, Mich., speeding;


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