
Indian Creek looking to fill job openings

WINTERSVILLE — Job opportunities are available at Indian Creek Local School District and officials are looking to fill a variety of positions.

Assistant Superintendent John Belt said a bevy of substitute posts are open and bus drivers receive $15 per hour while the other posts earn minimum wage. However, it could lead to full-time employment with benefits.

“We need substitute bus drivers, paraprofessionals, custodians and teachers,” Belt said. “Substitute work can lead to contracted work that would include benefits such as insurance and retirement.”

Belt said it has been a widespread issue among school districts and Indian Creek was putting out the call, but the most needed was bus drivers.

To be a sub driver, applicants must be at least 21 years old, hold a high school or general equivalency diploma and pass a background check and drug screening. Belt added that more skills were required from the ability to operate a bus to paying attention to the young passengers on board, among others.

Applicants also receive their commercial driver’s license with a bus endorsement and Belt said the training was not easy. The training costs are defrayed by the district and drivers must know how to handle gravel roads in inclement weather.

The district currently has 11 contracted drivers and one substitute while mechanics sometimes have taken the wheel.

Meanwhile, paraprofessionals require a state-issued license and must either pass a test or hold two years of college experience to qualify. Belt added that the district needed classroom aides, cooks and custodians.

Anyone interested can visit the district office at 100 Park Drive in Wintersville to receive an application, while potential drivers will work with Transportation Director Brenda Staffilino to obtain training. For information about any of the positions, call (740) 264-3502.


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