
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Irate: Police were told a woman was “threatening to shoot people” at a location in the 900 block of North Seventh Street, Sunday. The woman left the area as police were en route and crossed Veterans Memorial Bridge to West Virginia, they said. Employees at a business in the vicinity said they weren’t sure of her name but she was upset she had lost her wallet and “made the comment that she was going to (her) car and get a gun.”

Invisible man: A caller reported seeing a man with blood on his face “as if he was assaulted” walking in the vicinity of Washington at Seventh streets. Police said they couldn’t find the man.

Taking shots: A Euclid Avenue woman said she and her husband had been in an altercation and asked police to stand by while she grabbed some things from their home, Saturday. She said her husband was upset because she allowed their kids to sleep late and said it escalation when she pulled out her phone to make a call and her husband “broke her phone and pushed her onto their bed” and when she tried to take a laundry basket downtstairs, “knocked it out of her hands.” She said she hit him in the face “as he held her by her neck.” Her husband said the dispute did turn physical but they’d each hit the other and said he broke her phone after she broke his necklace. Neither of the people involved wanted to pursue charges.

Woman charged: Employees at Kroger told police a woman left the store with $160 in merchandise she hadn’t paid for, Saturday. Police said Jiah Minniefield, 27, no fixed address, was charged with misdemeanor theft after they allegedly found “a large amount of merchandise and a basket from Kroger” on the car seat next to her.

Fled: Employees at Wal-Mart said a man left the store with $209 in merchandise he hadn’t paid for, Saturday. They said he loaded the items into a vehicle and waited a couple minutes for another person before they drove away.

Nuisance: A Euclid Avenue resident said her neighbor’s kids were knocking on her door and leaving, Saturday. The residences are connected, but when police spoke with the neighbor she denied her kids were involved “and expressed ongoing issues” with the other woman.

Cited: Matthew Timmons, 42, 116 Wilma Ave., Steubenville, assured clear distance ahead after a two-car collision Friday on University Boulevard at Seventh Street.


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