
Police reports

Jefferson County Sheriff

Demanding: A woman called 911 and sheriff’s dispatchers at least 13 times in a manner of minutes, calling them “derogatory names and using obscene language,” Tuesday. The woman said she was somewhere in Yorkville but couldn’t tell them where and demanded deputies give her a ride home. They said she called back repeatedly while they were enroute, “cursing them out” because no one was there even though she had no idea where she was at. When they found her they said she was “inappropriately dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and think pants” and no coat. Deputies said she smelled of alcohol.

Over imbibed: A Mingo Junction bar reported a “highly intoxicated man was laying on the sidewalk in front of the business and was having a hard time getting up,” Sunday. Deputies located the man and said that, due to his high level of intoxication, they called an ambulance to transport him to the hospital.

Causing problems: A Dillonvale woman was upset when 911 dispatchers told her she couldn’t bond someone out on a Saturday, Jan. 18. The woman “didn’t like the outcome and had been calling the 911 center non-stop, ever since,” they said. Deputies were dispatched to her home to explain to her she could face charges for misuse of 911 if she continued, but she wasn’t there.

Holding grudge: A Stratton man said his former landlord in Columbiana County is threatening him, Sunday He said he was paid up on his rent and utilities when the landlord changed the locks and evicted him while he was away for a funeral three years ago.

Suspicious: A woman in Bloomingdale was concerned because she found her gate open and thought her neighbors were behind it because she’s had issues with some of them, Friday. Deputies said they didn’t find any footprints in the snow so they suggested she install cameras, but she told them she thinks the neighbors have a signal jammer.

Sucked in: A woman told deputies her mother is being taken advantage of by someone from a fake Facebook profile claiming to be Elon Musk and she was supposed to drive to Pittsburgh to meet him, Jan. 17. The daughter was concerned for her mother’s safety, but when deputies went to her home she wasn’t there. Her husband told them he was “aware of his wife’s donations and (she) was well aware of what she was doing.”

Marital bliss: An argument involving a Wintersville couple ended with her reportedly throwing her phone at her husband and him pushing her to the ground, Jan. 17. He said they’d been out to dinner and he’d been drinking, and the argument started when they got home and he texted his mother. He said they argued and she grabbed his phone, then threw it. She was packing to leave for the night and neither of them wanted to pursue charges.

Booked: Ahsley Renee McManus, 35, 115 William St., A, Yorkville, warrant (Belmont County), Jan. 17.

Charged: Tashay Nikkole Cornell, 23, 71279 Mount Pleasant Pike, Martins Ferry, persistent disorderly conduct.

Steubenville Police

Lucky break: A female driver who ended up going the wrong way on state Route 7 near University Boulevard told police she was following her GPS, Monday. Police said she was northbound in the southbound lane when they saw her and activated their emergency lights, informed her she was traveling the wrong way and stopped traffic so she could turn around.

Outdoor life: A man in the 700 block of North Sixth Street told police someone stole his ID, food stamp card and bus pass from his tent, Monday.

Ripped off: A downtown resident told police a female known to him used his EBT card without permission, Monday. He said she used his money to pay for just over $219 in merchandise from an online store. He wants to pursue charges.


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