Police reports
Weirton Police
Sara Hanna Strohmyer, 33, 151 North 20th St., Weirton, grand larceny, transferring stolen goods, Dec. 20, arrested on a warrant after officers were called to her residence.
Regis Francis Donahue, 38, 754 Frederick St., McKees Rocks, Pa., DUI, reckless driving, possession of cocaine, no proof of insurance, Dec. 22, police investigated a motor vehicle crash after receiving report of a disturbance on Wayne Avenue.
Laine R. Boyer, 122 Red Oak Drive, Colliers, DUI, reckless driving, Dec. 22, arrested during investigation of a complaint of an individual driving into a resident’s mailbox on Gardner Avenue.
Brent Kelly Arbogast, 45, 921 Byron St., Weirton, domestic battery, possession of a controlled substance, Dec. 22, officers investigated a domestic disturbance between the subject and his mother over a bottle of alcohol and the adhesive capabilities of a roll of tape.
Joseph Alan Shultz, 39, no fixed address, fugitive from justice, Dec. 26, police made contact with individual during a patrol, finding he was wanted for a parole violation in Pennsylvania on sex offense charges.
William Beswick, no age provided, 405 Putnam Lane, Weirton, domestic violence/battery, Dec. 30, arrested following incident at residence.
Kristen Barns, no age provided, 405 Putnam Lane, Weirton, domestic violence/battery, Dec. 30, arrested following incident at residence.
Toronto Police
Charged: Jaime L. Huggins, 45, 2913 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville, petit theft; Heather L. Ball, 44, 1445 Madison Ave., and Delisha L. Williams, 38, 502 ½ Findley St., both for permitting a juvenile to be out past curfew; James T. Birkhimer, 59, Apartment 408, 730 N. Seventh St., Steubenville missing headlight and no operator’s license; Raymond L. Whipkey, 45, 214 Main St., menacing and domestic violence; Damasae W. Pendleton, 30, 502 Euclid Ave., domestic violence; Suzan L. Schoelwer, 73, Stratton, driving while suspended; James E. Jones, 18, 1209 N. Fourth St., underage consumption; and David M. Limmer, 27, Dayton, on a warrant from Indiana for domestic battery and strangulation.
Wintersville Police
Cited for speeding: William McCauley, 23, Jacksonville, Fla.; Dominick Andreozzi, 47, 9 township Road 676, Steubenville; Haley McFarland, 30, 143 McConnell Ave.; Jessica Cooper, 43, 301 Eisenhower Road; Kristen M. Roe, 44, 569 Powells Lane; Ryan A. Shoulders, 23, 212 Lincoln Ave., Mingo Junction; Maeghan D.L. Johnson, 18, 39 North Byron Drive; Inez L. Manini, 68, 3504 Elwood Lane, Weirton; Joseph M. Orlando, 86, 103 Karen Place; Alicia N. Orlando, 34, 366 Woodview Drive; Paula J. Ricouard, 70, 3495 state Route 152, Richmond; Hailey R. Rudder, 19, Irondale; Naveen K. Singh, 55, 687 Forestview Drive; Todd R. Kutscher, 36, 255 Cadiz Road; Christopher J. Camp, 21, 219 Center Ave., Mingo Junction; Niko D. Surjano, 21, 128 Andrews Drive; Chad D. Weaver, 46, 1401 state Route 152, Bloomingdale; and Deidre Coyle, 28, 3949 Argonne Ave., Steubenville.
Cited: Robert W. Evans, 65, Gahanna, Ohio; Brittany K. Porter, 36, 303 Cadiz Road; and Marissa D. Namack, 32, Wheeling, all for red light violations; and Paulette F. Letwen, 71, New Cumberland, failure to yield.
Summoned: Stephen C. Rowan, 78, Lot 1, 564 Cadiz Road, aggravated menacing and resisting arrest, Saturday.
Brooke County Sheriff
Charged: Hunter A. Wallace, 29, 1091 Washington Pike, Wellsburg, violation of domestic violence bond condition, Wednesday.
Charged: Wesley P. Cross, 43, 820 Fowler Hill Road, Wellsburg, battery on an officer and obstructing an officer, Wednesday.
Charged: Henry W. Cunningham, 55, Houston, Pa., violation of a domestic violence protective order, Wednesday.
Steubenville Police
Cat fight: A man said he was assaulted by two men in the vicinity of the 400 block of Pittsburgh Street because they thought he stole a cat, Wednesday. He said he was walking in the alley when one of the men accused him of stealing the cat, then sucker-punched him. He said that man and a companion continued to punch him, then checked his pockets and stole $30 in cash. He told police a female had given him the cat to care for. Police said his lip was very swollen and bleeding and was going to require stitches He said to pursue charges.
Three’s a crowd: Two men were arguing in the 800 block of North Sixth Avenue, Wednesday. Police said one of the men told them a friend of his was arguing with her boyfriend and he “stepped in to defend her.” The boyfriend said he “just wanted (her friend) to leave their apartment and stay out of their argument.” The female said her boyfriend was upsetting her and her friend “stepped in, causing an argument between them.” She said it never got physical but she wanted to leave the apartment.
Code issue: Notices of violation was sent to owners/occupants of a property at 1626 Oregon Ave., bags of garbage piled by front porch, and 1345 Oregon Ave., scattered household litter and bags of garbage in back yard and on back porch.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Your mind on drugs: A woman requested a well-being check on her mother because another family member living with her was believed to be back on drugs and “thinks people are after her,” Wednesday. Deputies said the mother’s phone wasn’t working so they tried to get it working again but it upset the family member “because she thought people were talking about her.” Hours later deputies were called back to the residence, this time it was the family member living with the grandmother who called after the family member reported “men with guns hiding in the garage.” The grandmother said the family member had been out the night before and when she came home was on the phone all night. They said the granddaughter displayed shortness of breath and was in a panicked state, convinced that people were breaking in the garage “who wanted to kill her.” She said there were also people under her bed engaged in illicit encounters “and how she would be better off dead.” Deputies said she showed signs of drug usage, appearing happy one minute and the next, “hallucinating and believing she saw people in the room that weren’t there.” She was taken to the hospital for treatment.