
Quick Takes

JOINS OFFICE: Dr. Tess Ferrari has joined Almost Heaven Family Dentistry in Wellsburg, where she will specialize in providing dental care to youth.

A Weirton native, she is a graduate of West Virginia University dental school. Following graduation, she practiced for several years in Las Vegas, focusing on pediatric patients. When not working, she enjoys traveling, the outdoors and spending time with her dog.

Located at 1512 Commerce St. (state Route 2), Almost Heaven Family Dentistry is headed by Dr. Olivia Mason.

She and her staff recently provided an estimated $24,370 in free dental care to 28 military veterans and active duty service members, who also were treated to a free meal and entered into free drawings for a wide assortment of prizes donated by local businesses and others.

RECEIVES GRANT: Sarita Asawa, outreach and extension services manager of the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County, received one of seven Carol Hole Travel Grants during the 2024 Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services Annual Conference in Indianapolis in mid-October.

The grant, which included complimentary admission and a $500 travel stipend, was sponsored by Acore Shelving and the Association of Outreach Services and is presented in recognition of exemplary leadership on behalf of libraries, bookmobile and outreach services.

“I’m grateful and honored to receive this award from the Association of Bookmobiles and Outreach Services. It was a tremendous opportunity to meet library outreach professionals nationwide and exchange thoughts and encouragement. I’m excited to implement many of these fresh ideas and incorporate them into the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County’s outreach efforts in Jefferson County.”


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