
Quick Take

LIBRARIES GET GRANT: The Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County has been selected as one of 15 public libraries for the Know Your Flow Ohio Grant.

The library system will receive one menstrual product dispenser and hygiene supplies from Aunt Flow. The library also will receive $1,000 for additional Aunt Flow supplies and create health programs focused on menstrual hygiene, education and menopausal health information.

“We’re pleased to receive this grant to help combat period poverty that is a statewide and nationwide issue, said library Director Mike Gray. “Education, combined with access to menstrual supplies, will benefit the well-being of our community and help patrons manage their periods with confidence and comfort.”

Gray added that patrons can look for the dispenser and programs to begin at the library sometime in spring.

The Know Your Flow Ohio grant program is supported in part with federal funding awarded to the State Library from the Library Services and Technology Act provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and in partnership with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


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