
Community news from around the area

Richmond artist’s works part

of new exhibition in Wheeling

WHEELING — A new exhibition and educational series that offers an approach to aging through the eyes of a dozen artists opens today at Oglebay Institute’s Stifel Fine Arts Center and includes the works of Ohio watercolorist Gina Judy, a Richmond resident.

“Presence: An Exploration of Aging Through Art” examines the universal, yet intensely personal, experience of growing old. The exhibit showcases work from a dozen artists from six states.

Through a variety of media, the exhibition explores a broad range of perspectives — from thriving lifestyles to the harsher realities of aging. “Presence” provides insight into the physical and mental aging process, challenges us to rethink how we perceive age, highlights the therapeutic benefits of the creative process and examines the role of elders in our society.

Judy was a caregiver for her father, an Alzheimer’s patient, for six years before he entered long-term care. Her paintings depict her father’s time in a nursing home.

Judy is a retired art educator who was recognized as an Ohio Region East Outstanding Art Educator and named to the Ohio Art Education Association Circa-Society of Membership. Since her retirement, she has exhibited in 12 states and in 22 shows that have required a national or international screening, placing in three of them. Last year her work was juried into “OH+5,” a six-state biennial regional exhibit.

A series of learning and community-building events are being held in conjunction with the exhibit. “Presence” is part of the Stifel Center’s humanities series, developed by curator Michael McKowen.

“I believe that the role of the Stifel Fine Arts Center is to provide a place to commune,” McKowen said. “A public art space should invite exploration. By presenting topics that affect every human being, we provide opportunities for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual growth.”

Among the featured artists are Isadora Kosofsky, a Los Angeles-based documentary photographer, who recently was named one of a hundred “heroines” in photography worldwide by the Royal Photo Society; photographer Marna Clarke, who at age 70 decided to chronicle her own aging process.

Educational programs take place weekly and include panel discussions on aging and dementia, presentations from featured artists, yoga and wellness workshops, spoken word events and art therapy sessions.

All programs are free and open to the public.

The exhibit will be on display at Oglebay Institute’s Stifel Fine Arts Center through April 25 and can be viewed free of change from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Evening hours are dependent on classes and special events.

For information, visit www.OIonline.com/presence or call the Stifel Fine Arts Center at (304) 242-7700.

Dueling Pianos fundraiser

to support animals in need

WINTERSVILLE — The Jefferson County Humane Society will hold its popular annual fundraiser, Dueling Pianos, on March 13 at St. Florian Event Center in Wintersville.

“Get ready for a high-energy, entertaining, comedy routine, piano concert, sing-along and audience interaction event,” noted a society representative.

Doors open at 7 p.m., and the show begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale for $35 at the humane society and the humane society clinic in Wintersville; Hauser’s Furniture in Steubenville; Neo-Hair Design in Wintersville; or online at duelingpiano.brownpapertickets.com. If tickets aren’t sold out, they will be $45 at the door.

Admission includes bar-type food, and there will be a full cash bar. Attendees must be 21 or older.

The humane society has had a county presence since 1915.

“Our mission is to improve the lives of animals, alleviate their suffering and elevate public awareness of animal welfare,” a spokesperson explained. “We safeguard, rescue, heal, adopt and advocate for animals in need, while inspiring community action and compassion on their behalf.”

As a nonprofit 501c3 organization, the group does not receive any money from taxes or national organizations. “Our survival as a local charity can only continue to exist through the generosity and donations provided by the people who believe in our animal welfare programs. These programs provide the well-deserved care and quality of life to animals in need,” the spokesperson noted.

The society “has worked very hard to establish programs that provide the necessary care for the homeless animals that come to the shelter. Our shelter and medical programs provide a homeless or lost animal with a comprehensive medical intake, vaccinations, veterinary care and spay/neuter as part of the adoption. We also offer affordable veterinary services to publicly owned animals at our clinic location.”

The humane operations program, meanwhile, responds to various calls in the county, such as neglect, suspected animal cruelty, animal hoarding and abuse. “The volunteer program allows us to run foster programs, local adoption events and provide public awareness of animals in need of a second chance,” the spokesperson added.

Free spring aerobics class

at WVNCC Weirton campus

WEIRTON — As a community service, the Weirton campus of West Virginia Northern Community College is offering a free spring aerobics class designed for anyone who wants to start exercising at a moderate pace.

The class begins on Monday, March 23, and ends on Wednesday, May 13 and meets in room 242-243 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m.

This is a low-impact class with an emphasis on cardiorespiratory endurance, strength improvement and flexibility. All exercise is done standing (no chair or floor work), usually to music that’s 128-140 beats per minute. Carol Teaff is the instructor.

Participants should wear loose or stretchy clothing and athletic shoes and should bring a bottle of water. Registration forms will be available at the first class, and participants can enroll at any time.

Friday fish frys under way

for St. Paul Church in Weirton

WEIRTON — St. Paul Church in Weirton is once again sponsoring a fish fry every Friday during Lent and continuing through Good Friday, April 10.

The fish fry will be held in the St. Paul School cafeteria located on Walnut Street in downtown Weirton. The hours are from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and the fish will be from Coleman’s Fish Market in Wheeling.

“We will feature fried fish, baked cod, breaded shrimp and peel-and-eat shrimp,” a spokesman noted. “Sides will include french fries, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese and, of course, our beloved ‘Haluski Ladies’ will make their famous haluski — noodles, cabbage and onions.”

Patrons can eat in or get takeout. Delivery is available for orders for more than $20. To place an order, call (304) 797-1182.

Country Friends announces

entertainment for Saturday

COLLIERS — Country Friends Foundation will host the Stone Street Station band as the entertainment on Saturday at the Memorial Hall located at 67 Police Lodge Road, Colliers.

The doors open at 6 p.m., the dance starts at 7 p.m., and the hall closes at 10 p.m. There is a $5 cover charge per person.

Open mic is Monday. The doors open at 4 p.m., the covered-dish meal is served at 5 p.m., and open mic begins at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. There is no cover charge on Mondays, but donations are appreciated.

For information, call (304) 479-1270, (304) 748-2816 or (304) 797-0122.

Farmers Breakfast Series on

industrial hemp production

STEUBENVILLE — Ohio State University Extension is hosting host a Farmers’ Breakfast Series in Steubenville every third Friday through April with the next session set for March20 at the OSU Extension Jefferson County office in suite 512, 500 Market St.

Each session will run from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and will cover farm management topics for local producers and provide opportunities for networking with local farmers, agencies and industry experts.

March’s topic is hemp production in Ohio and will include discussions on the current legal status, considerations before getting started and the basics of production. Anyone who is thinking about getting into industrial hemp production is encouraged to attend.

The April session will cover farm record-keeping and managing farm accounting ledgers with guest speaker Chris Zoller, OSU Extension educator in Tuscarawas County.

The cost of each session is $5 and includes breakfast. Pre-registration is required. Register by contacting the OSU Extension office at (740) 264-2212 or send an e-mail to Erika Lyon, agriculture and natural resources education, OSU Extension, Jefferson and Harrison counties, at lyon.194@osu.edu one week before each session. Questions can be directed to Lyon at (740) 264-2212.

OSU Extension will provide accommodations to handicapped persons needing assistance to participate in Extension programs.

For information or to access information, contact the Extension Office. For information on Extension programs, visit jefferson.osu.edu or harrison.osu.edu.

Kroger retirees dinner

get-together March 19

WEIRTON — All Kroger retirees are invited to the monthly dinner get-together that will be held March 19 at Undo’s Restaurant in Weirton, beginning at 5:30 p.m. To RSVP, contact Regina Truax at (304) 723-0419.


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