
Class of ‘74 reunites

Graduates from Steubenville Catholic Central High School’s Class of 1974 met for their 50th reunion. Those attending the celebration were, from left, front, Cynthia Zrinyi, Debbie Listo Glatz, Karen Antonucci, Andrea Duska, Frank Sferrella, Karen Joyce Gilbert, Judy Lucas, Domenick Mucci, Jamie Carducci James, Donna Kade Lucas, Toni Richards Sabados and Rena Petrella; second row, John Miccile, Alex Spagno, Diane DeLeonardis Kotur, Jeanne Chaytor, Karen DeChristopher Paul, Marlene Morelli Robbins, Karen Mastroianni Machles, Carol Caranna Mayerich, Cindy Lelli Gabbianelli, Marilyn Cashioli Mosti, Mary Ann Assio Whiteleather and Kathy Kelly; third row, Mark LeVaughn, Robert Orenchuk, Michael Sabados, Kurt Coulter, Jody Bidish Tuttle, Roberta Haskins Carducci, Debbie McGinnis Demattio, Joan Tucci Parrish, Nancy Staffalino McSurdy, Faustyna Januskiewicz Fatula, Anita Kaufmann Petrella, Kathy Nocera and Barbara Mulrooney Buchmelter; and back, Steve Lamatrice, Robert Fabian, Camillo Lamatrice, Billy Michnowicz, Kathy Rosza Woods, Danny Carducci, Matt Habash, John Stepanovich, Greg Bartemes, Mike Giovannone, Ken Kramarich, Tim Russin, Tony Corasaniti, Tom Kotur, Ralph Oliveti, Marc Cicone, Ralph Orsini, Mike Dellatorre, Nick Fante and Mike Carpico.

— Contributed


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