
Hancock County retired teachers group meets

WEIRTON — Members of the Hancock County Association of Retired School Employees toured the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Oct. 15. Upon their return to Gio’s Restaurant, President Debra Marino opened the group’s regular meeting with 47 members and one guest in attendance.

She introduced guest Dr. Anthony Gianni, a physician of physical therapy at Trinity Health System, who served as the day’s speaker, offering tips on staying safe in the home. A question-and-answer period followed. Vice President Earleen Jones led in saying grace.

Secretary Liz Pugh read the October minutes and Treasurer Rita Orler presented the treasury report. Community services chairman Mishel Robinson reminded the group of the food collection being held for Thanksgiving baskets, and the Salvation Army is in need of bell ringers. The Information and Protective Services chairman reminded members of the Humana insurance meeting, October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the upcoming vote for the school safety levy.

Marino noted the progress of the group’s Facebook page, discussed levy meetings within the county and talked of tracking volunteer hours.

Halloween treats were to be delivered by volunteers to Hancock County Schools. Members were invited to nominate a Hancock County teacher to win school supplies.

Marino presented a list of activities in the county for seniors. Rosaly Lebec, chairman of the 50/50 drawing, announced Rita Schmitt was the winner. Robinson, as door prize chairman, presented prizes to several members. Marino announced the Hancock County Senior Center in New Cumberland will host the end of the year celebration at noon on Nov. 19.

Service projects include supporting the Salvation Army with stocking stuffers and ringing bells for donations. Marino closed the meeting by reminding members extra door prizes will be awarded for wearing Christmas-themed clothing to the meeting.


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