
JCRTA holds final meeting of the year

WINTERSVILLE — The Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association met Nov. 12 at the Wintersville Methodist Church for the group’s final meeting of the year.

There were 23 members in attendance. The group enjoyed a catered lunch by Piergallini Catering.

Entertainment for the afternoon was supplied by members of the Steubenville Crimson Fusion Choir, who performed several selections for members.

President Dave Nicholson thanked members of the executive committee for serving the past year.

Treasurer Marge Andres presented the financial report, which included a review of the last five years.

It was noted that at the time of the meeting, the association has 135 members enrolled.

Larry Coleman reported on volunteer hours, saying 15 members listed they have 2,070 hours. He asked members to keep track of their hours during the next six months and to present them at the next meeting, scheduled to be held May 13 at Riverside Methodist Church in Toronto.

Officials commented that any retired or active teacher can join the association at any time.

Ann Wiley read a Veterans Day selection, reminding those in attendance of who fought for every American’s freedom.

Nicholson read the names of 10 members who have died, including William Columbo, Norma Smith, Joyce Jackson, Delores Keenan, Nettie Grant, John Finney, Barb Carter, Evelyn Milicia, Virginia Mayhew and Janis Westfall. Following the reading, everyone took part in a moment of silence and then read the 23rd Psalm.

Avis Henry reported on the Pleasant Hill one-room schoolhouse. She explained funds are being raised to repair the building’s ventilation system. The JCRTA made a donation of $500 to the schoolhouse to help with repairs.

Henry commented donations are always welcome, as many repairs need to be made to structure that was built in 1880.

Vice President Gina Judy introduced June Logan, the association’s Ohio Retired Teachers Association liaison.

Logan reviewed a handout showing the board members of the State Teachers Retirement System.

She explained about the members who were appointed and those who are voted on by active and retired teachers.

Nomination petitions are now available and must be turned in no later than Feb. 28 in order for the candidate to be considered for the candidacy.


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