
New Three Score officers to be installed

WEIRTON — The Three Score Senior Club held its November meeting with President Kathy McCarrick opening the meeting. She asked Bob DiFonzo to provide the opening prayer, which was followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance then sang, “God Bless America.”

Members paused the meeting to eat dinner with one another, after which the singing group Friends sang various Christmas carols to members of the club. The decision was made by officials to skip the reading of the secretary’s minutes from the month of October.

Treasurer Brenda Edwards provided the group with the treasurer’s report.

Edwards commented she will be collecting members’ dues through December. The cost of annual dues are $10, she stated, noting there have been 58 members who have already paid. Dues must be paid by the end of December she announced.

Sunshine Chair Winnie Kemp stated there were no birthdays or anniversaries to report, adding she did send out get-well cards to members who are in need of prayers, including Chuck and Josi Elliott and Harold Elliott. She stated sympathy cards were sent to the family of Betty Virtue, Marlene Hare and Mike and Marlene Runkle. Marlene Hare informed the club there were 43 reservations made for the evening’s meeting and dinner.

McCarrick exclaimed that because there have been no additional nominations from the floor, that those who will be serving as club officers for the 2025 term will be Frank Bohach, president; McCarrick, vice president; Purks, secretary; and Edwards, treasurer.

All officers will be installed during the club’s December meeting, McCarrick commented. The president then asked for a show of hands from members on those who would be interested in having an active club throughout the next year.

“This will be the Three Score Senior Club’s 50th anniversary,” she stated.

Of those in attendance, members’ votes showed that a majority of members will be participating in the club. It was announced that if anyone knows of someone who might be interested in joining the club, they should contact any current member for information.

Bobach, the group’s newly-elected president, discussed his plans and ideas for next year. Members who were winners of prizes throughout the evening were, Joann Kerr, Ed Powell, Ed Kennedy, Delores Ginier, McCarrick, Flora Virtue and Linda Walter.


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