
Veterans association honors local veterans

PAYING TRIBUTE — Members of the Jefferson County Veterans Association held their annual Veterans Day service Monday in the 4-H building at Friendship Park. Among those participating was guest speaker Julie Stenger, community editor of the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times. -- Contributed

SMITHFIELD — Members of the Jefferson County Veterans Association met inside the 4-H building at Friendship Park Monday afternoon, where approximately 50 people heard from Commander John Kaffana, master of ceremonies.

Kaffana told the history of Veterans Day, stating it was originally known as Armistice Day in order to celebrate and honor those who fought in World War I when an armistice was put in place at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.

Following the national anthem, Kaffana introduced the afternoon’s guest speaker, Julie Stenger, community editor of the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times.

Stenger spoke on behalf of those who have never served in the military, speaking from a civilian’s point of view.

“I’ve often heard people say that being a mother or a homemaker is the single-most difficult and thankless job there is. I beg to differ,” she said. “Because I once walked in those shoes. And while it may be a challenging and unappreciated occupation, I truly believe there is another job far more difficult, far more thankless and far more unappreciated. And that is being or having been a member of the United States military.”

Stenger concluded her presentation by stating, “I may not know what it is like to have served in the military. But I do understand what it is like to be the loved one of someone who has served. It is sleepness nights. Worrying and wondering the worst. It is praying harder than anything else you have ever prayed that they return safely and of sound mind and body.”

She apologized for not having said anything profound, something memorable to take away from the day, noting she couldn’t find the right words to express what she wanted every veteran to know.

“There are people in this country like myself who are extremely appreciative and ever-grateful for your willingness to fight for us,” she said. “To protect us. To help us continue to be free”

“My hope is that one day, someone will come up with a word to express what it is we feel in our hearts for our veterans,” she added. “Because ‘thank you’ will never be enough.”

Services concluded with members performing a rifle salute.


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