
Christmas Magic display coming to Richmond

RICHMOND — Christmas Magic, a drive-through light display at Richmond Park, will continue this weekend, as well as on Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 21. The holiday event is being spearheaded this year by Screwy Louie’s Party Rentals and the Richmond-based Festival in the Woods Committee, a nonprofit charity whose members are dedicated to improving their community for the present and the future.

The display will be available for viewing from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. It will run again from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 13-14 and Dec. 20-21.

Vehicles will be able to drive the loop at Richmond Park on Park Street from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is by donation only. All donations will be used to support the team that put on the light display and local community groups.

Richmond’s annual Christmas parade will be held at 5 p.m. Dec. 14. Festival in the Woods will be helping Santa make his way to Richmond, organizers stated.

Meanwhile, the newest shelter house at the park will continue to be home to vendors selling a variety of items throughout the evenings of the Christmas light display, offering visitors an opportunity to browse, shop and enjoy food and hot chocolate.

For information, contact Kim Richardson, president of Festival in the Woods, by e-mail at festivalinthewoods@gmail.com.

“Last year was a great success,” Richardson said of Christmas Magic. She noted both sponsoring groups appreciate the village for allowing the use of its park to provide this event.

“We saw a lot of smiles, gave a lot of money back to groups in our community and started a new tradition for many families,” Richardson continued. “This is an awesome event where you get to indulge in the Christmas experience without dedicating an entire day. Many families drove through multiple nights because of the convenience and ease. Our vendor village differs each night, so I would encourage everyone to stay tuned to the Facebook page and plan to stop down a few times,” Richardson added.

“This year’s display will be different from last year,” she concluded. “We are really excited about some of the new displays, and we think they will bring joy to young and old alike.”


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