
A Child’s Place CASA celebrating 25 years

STEUBENVILLE — A Child’s Place CASA is celebrating 25 years of making a difference in the Ohio Valley. Officials thanked all of those who have supported them in making a difference in the lives of approximately 2,000 children. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting abused and neglected children. It serves almost 280 children across Brooke, Hancock and Jefferson counties.

CASA is organizing a fundraiser entitled Show CASA Love, taking place throughout the week of Feb. 7 through Feb. 14. It is the hope of CASA officials the community will help celebrate Valentine’s Day by sharing love and hope with area children in need of help.

The event allows individuals or groups to double their impact by making a donation during this particular week. Local sponsors will be matching each contribution made. For less than $5, donors can provide a full day of care to help a child, organizers explained.

“Every contribution, big or small, can make a meaningful difference in the life of a vulnerable child,” they stated.

CASA will crown the sponsor whose day raises the most money the title of Our Valentine, and they will receive a dedicated video presentation to honor and celebrate their generosity. Past Valentines have included Basil’s Bar in 2024, Kris and Steve Roberts in 2023, Harvey Goodman Realtors in 2022 and Elite Pro Coaching in 2021.

“Each of these incredible supporters has played a vital role in our mission, and we can’t wait to see who will join this prestigious group next,” officials concluded.

“Stay tuned for updates and details on our website and Facebook page. Let’s make this year’s Valentine celebration truly unforgettable.”

The fundraising campaign will stream each day throughout that week at 4:30 p.m., showing the progress the campaign has made.

CASA will share heartfelt stories of how the nonprofit is making a difference in the lives of children.

To see the impact of donations, visit go.rallyup.com/showCASALove2025. Visit YouTube @achildsplacecasa3640 for live updates, testimonials and a closer look at the work everyone’s support makes possible.

Donations can be made online at childsplacecasa.com/donate or brought to the center, located at 613 Main St. in Follansbee.

“Every contribution, no matter the size, brings hope and support to children in need,” organizers said. For information, call (304) 737-4444.


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