
Christian athletes unite

Membership in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization continues to grow in area school districts throughout the Ohio Valley, showing students are becoming more interested in connecting with God and other teens who share their religious beliefs. Bobbyjon Bauman, president of the Ohio Valley Youth Network and director of the Sycamore Youth Center, serves as the FCA’s organizer, a position he has held for 12 years. Bauman stated he “is thrilled” to see how the student-led club has grown in districts across Jefferson County. He expressed his elation regarding the number of students interested in the FCA, saying he “is impressed” with the increase in participants. “It shows there is a great hunger for meaning in life and for students to have a desire to connect with God and other Christian young adults,” he commented. “This is the largest amount of students I have seen involved in our local schools. Maybe students are seeking a deeper meaning in life. It would seem Christianity is new to a lot of them. I think people are genuinely interested in learning about God, and the FCA is one place that provides an opportunity for people of diverse backgrounds to congregate and learn about God.” FCA leaders in area school districts include, from left, Camden Greiner and Santino Haney, Steubenville High School; Noah Flesher and Allison Rawson, Indian Creek High School; and Gianna Zimmerman, Edison High School.

— Contributed


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