
Comedic murder mystery coming to area

MUDER MYSTERY TO NIP IT IN THE BUD — Mystery Theater Unlimited will present the dinner-theater show “Mayberry R.I.P.,” Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at Scaffidi’s Restaurant and Tavern. The cast includes from left, Sean Decker, Dustin Heavilin, Renee Zelinski, Butch Maxwell and Ryan Sears. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — A musical-comedy murder mystery featuring a take on one of the most beloved television shows of all time, the “Andy Griffith Show,” is coming to Scaffidi’s Restaurant and Tavern.

Mystery Theater Unlimited will present one of its most popular original productions later this month, when it brings “Mayberry R.I.P.” to Steubenville.

The show will debut at 7 p.m. Jan. 31 and continue at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 1.

The show will be presented at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Stratton Municipal Building in Stratton.

The dinner theater will tell the story of Andy Jailor, a soft-spoken sheriff who is a laid-back widower with a young son and older aunt.

Butch Maxwell portrays Andy’s character and Renee Storm plays Aunt Bee, who wants nothing more than to win the annual pie-baking contest. The sheriff soon has his hands full when the town mechanic, Goober, played by Dustin Heavilin, discovers a severed toe. The ambitious but high-strung deputy, Barney Strife, played by Ryan Sears, sees an opportunity to solve an exciting mystery.

It all happens in the village of Mayberry, a town which time forgot. A place where the town barber Floyd, played by Sean Decker, is strangely menacing, and the town drunk, Otis, locks himself up in jail to protect the community from his flatulence.

According to the sheriff, nobody ever leaves Mayberry alive. They just live on forever in reruns.

The Wheeling-based Mystery Theater Unlimited ensemble has been writing and performing original comedy-murder mysteries since 1996. Performances include audience interaction and the opportunity to solve a murder mystery, along with a three-course dinner. Performances take place in a dining room setting, with actors moving about tables.

Audience members are encouraged to gather clues, talk to the characters and question survivors following the murder. Some audience members will play small parts during the show, officials stated.

To make a reservation, visit scaffidicatering.com/mayberry. Scaffidi’s is located at 350 Sunset Blvd. in Steubenville.

Reservations for the Stratton show can be made by calling (740) 219-0113. For information, visit MysteryTheatreUnlimited.com.


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